Unit #5 Quiz #3 Grade: «grade» Subject: Aquatic Science Date: «date»
1Crustaceans have which type of skeleton: A endoskeleton B exoskeleton C hydrostatic skeleton D axial skeleton
2Which of the following best demonstrates the importance of the nacreous layer: A These cells form the “teeth” that protrude from the radula B These cells secrete a smooth internal shell layer C These cells become the strong muscles of the foot D These cells secrete venom that is used by cephalopods to paralyze their prey
3The terminal end of the excretory system found within most crustaceans is located on the: A Ventral portion B Posterior portion C Dorsal postion D Anterior portion
4Which of the following is used to walk across the benthic zone in search of food: A B C D
5The root terms for Arthro-pod means: A joint foot B large claw C foot club D joint head
6The hypothetical ancestral mollusk is best defined as: A A hypothetical primitive ancestor that has characteristics found in most modern mollusks B A hypothetical modern ancestor that has characteristics found in most modern mollusks C The newest known mollusk D The oldest known mollusk
7The name for the circulatory organ that pumps fluid throughout a crustacean is know as a(an): A hemo heart pump B blood lymph pump C hemolymph pump D heart
8Approximately what percentage of all known animal species are considered Arthropods. A 98% B 85% C 55% D 15%
9Which of the following is used to make a quick escape & fling substate at a threat: A B C D
10The mantle secretes: A Digestive enzymes B The foot that is used for mobility & digging C The cells that become the coelom (pericardium) D Calcium carbonate that forms the shell
11The animal in the following pictures represents _________. A asymmetry B radial symmetry C bilateral symmetry D hexamerism
12What compound makes up the exoskeleton of arthropods? A calcium carbonate B spongin C spicules D chitin
13The visceral mass contains: A The radula and the foot B The nervous tissue responsible for cephalization C The cells that secrete the shell D The internal organs
14Echinoderms have which type of skeleton: A endoskeleton B exoskeleton C hydrostatic skeleton D axial skeleton
15You reach into a tank and poke a brittle star fish. It responds by quickly moving under a nearby rock and curling into a ball. The brittle star responded to your touch because of which of the following receptors: A Photoreceptor B Chemoreceptor C Statocyst D Thigmoreceptor
16Brittle stars and sea stars differ in their modes of movement in that: A Sea stars can push water out of their mouth to lift themselves off of a surface and push themselves onto another, whereas s brittle star must climb up the same object B Brittle stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for a long period of time, while sea stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines C Brittle stars use their tube feet to slide across a surface similar to the motion of a hover craft D Sea stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for along period of time, while brittle stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines