T T13-03 Line Plot & Bar Graph (by XY Category) Purpose Allows the analyst to visually analyze the difference in data samples by 6 X-categories and 10 Y-categories. Most often used to visually analyze two-factor experimental design interaction. Inputs X & Y Labels X & Y Data Outputs Line Plot (by XY Category) Bar Graph (by XY Category)
T The USGA (United States Golf Association) regularly tests golf equipment to ensure that it conforms to USGA standards. It wishes to compare the distance used by 3 different brands of golf ball when hit by a driver and a 5 iron. 6 balls from each brand are chosen and hit with the USGA robot called the Iron Byron. Is there a factor interaction? Example: ANOVA 2 Factor w/ Replication
T Key Information (refer to EXCEL Basics Lesson 20)
T Key Information (refer to EXCEL Basics Lesson 20)
T Hypothesis Test Facts: F - statistic = 5.35 p-value =.0218 .05 null hypothesis is false alternative is true Business Conclusion: The statistical evidence shows that there is an interaction between the club and the brand of the ball (ie: the ball flight by brand is different when struck with a 5 iron and a driver). Hypothesis Test ANOVA Single Factor 0 F p-value F-statistic = 5.35
T Input the factor averages, with the labels in the bright green cells and the averages in the light green cells
T A line plot shows a graphical representation of the interaction between the factors.
T A bar graph shows a graphical representation of the interaction between the factors (however, it is not as easy to interpret as the line plot).