Introduction to Psychology Module 2 Notes. Psychological Perspectives -Method of classifying a collection of ideas Also called “schools of thought” Also.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Psychology Module 2 Notes

Psychological Perspectives -Method of classifying a collection of ideas Also called “schools of thought” Also called “psychological approaches” To view behavior from a particular perspective

6 Modern Perspectives 1. Cognitive * 2. Biological * 3. Social Cultural * 4. Behavioral 5. Humanistic 6. Psychodynamic * = the three most important/ influential

Cognitive Perspective -School of thought that focuses on how people think – how we take in, process, store, and retrieve information *Behavior is explained by how a person interprets the situation *Focus is on THINKING AND THOUGHT PROCESSES

Biological Perspective -School of thought that focuses on the physical structures and substances underlying a particular behavior, thought, or emotion Behavior is explained by brain chemistry, genetics, glands, etc. Focus is on ACTUAL BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN THE BODY AND GENETICS

Social-Cultural Perspective -School of thought that focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in different contexts or situations Behavior is explained by the influence of other people present, culture, cultural norms, etc. Focus in on THE INFLUENCES OF SOCIETY, CULTURE, and OTHERS ON OUR BEHAVIOR

Behavioral Perspective -The theory that psychology should only study observable behaviors, not mental processes. Behavior is explained by previous learning Focus is on how we learn through rewards, punishments, and observation

Humanistic Perspective -School of thought that focuses on the study of conscious experience, the individual’s freedom to choose, and the capacity for personal growth Healthy individuals strive to reach their potential. Focus is on how healthy people strive to reach their full potential and behavior is driven by this drive Behavior is explained as being motivated by satisfying needs (safety, hunger, thirst, etc.), with the goal of reaching one’s full potential once basic needs are met.

Psychodynamic Perspective -Theory of personality and therapeutic technique that attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts Focus is on how behavior is affected by unconscious drives and conflicts Behavior is explained through unconscious motivation and unresolved inner conflicts from one’s childhood.

A New Movement: Behavior Genetics -School of thought that focuses on how much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences Combines biological perspective and social-cultural perspective, as well as behaviorism Emphasis on the importance of both genetic and environmental factors on behavior Behavior geneticists study how genes and environment come together to influence behavior