Organizational Theory I. Classical Approach to Organizations A. General Characteristics of Classical Approach B. Max Weber: Development of bureaucracy 1. characteristics of bureaucracy 2. problems with each of the characteristics
Organizational Theory B. Frederick Taylor: Scientific Management 1. Assumptions of scientific management 2. Methods for identifying ‘best’ workers C. Luther Gulick and Wendall Urwick: Principles of Administration 1. Responsibilities of the Leader 2. Recognized four different ways to organize work
Organizational Theory II. Human Relations or Neo-classical Approach to Organizations A. Assumptions of human relations approach B. Mary Parker Follett: conflict resolution C. Elton Mayo: Hawthorne Experiments 1. How did the experiments work? 2. What were the results of the experiments? D. Chester Barnard: Zone of Indifference
Organizational Theory E. Iowa Experiments 1. What were the experiments? 2. What were their findings? 3. Why is it argued that the findings are not useful to other organizations? III. Organizational Humanism A. Assumptions of this approach B. Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of needs C. Douglas McGregor 1. Assumptions of Theory X 2. Assumptions of Theory Y
Organizational Theory IV. The Modern Approach to Organizations A. Explain how this approach differs from earlier approaches B. Systems Theory 1. Closed system characteristics 2. Open system characteristics C. William Ouchi: Theory Z D. Total Quality Management