doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 1 Adjacent Channel Interference Metric for OTA Indoor LOS Test Environment Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at. Date: January 2006 Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 2 Abstract This document introduces Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI) metric and measurement methodology for OTA Indoor LOS Test Environment as part of Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of Wireless Performance This presentations corresponds to the document /0087r0-ACI-Metric-for-OTA-Indoor-LOS-Test.doc and it uses the OTA Indoor LOS test environment described in IEEE P /D0.5 draft
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 3 Agenda Purpose Test Equipment Typical setup Test Methodology Test procedure Test Reporting Test Examples
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 4 Purpose of OTA Indoor LOS ACI Testing The Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI) or adjacent channel noise rejection test is intended to depict expected throughput performance when another device is nearby on an adjacent/non-overlapping channel
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 5 Test Equipment A wireless counterpart (WLCP/AP). The DUT should be capable of associating with the WLCP AP_Jammer, an AP used for generating interference Client_Jammer, a STA used for generating interference. The Client_Jammer should be capable of associating with the AP_Jammer Test controllers/Traffic Generators with following capabilities: –The ability to transfer 1MB file between WLCP and the DUT and between AP_Jammer and the Client_Jammer above the MAC layer –The ability to control time/duration of file transfer between the WLCP and the DUT and between AP_Jammer and the Client_Jammer Rolling carts of appropriate height to move/place the DUT and Client_Jammer Inclinometer or other angle measurement device, and/or a test jig to fix the antenna angle of the DUT and Client_Jammer with antennae in the lid/LCD Spectrum analyzer to monitor noise level
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 6 Test Environment Setup The test uses OTA Indoor LOS test environment [P D0.5 section 5.6] The setup should be properly isolated from external interference and other unwanted signals –In-band noise ≤ -100dBm from any (other than test equipment) or non source over the range All test software should be verified
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 7 ACI Measurement Setup for OTA Indoor LOS AP_Jammer Test Station Cart Spectrum Analyzer Test Controller/Traffic Generator Distance Between DUT and Client_Jammer WLCP Client_JammerDUT Distance Between WLCP and DUT Distance Between Client_Jammer AP_Jammer Test Stand or wall/ceiling Test Controller/Traffic Generator 120 0
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 8 Test Setup Parameters Distances: –Between WLCP and DUT = 20 meters ± 2cm –Between Client_Jammer and AP_Jammer = 20 meters ± 2cm –Distance Between DUT and Client_Jammer = 1 meters ± 1cm DUT and Client_Jammer Position: –DUT and Client_Jammer placed back-to-back for laptop Remaining Test Parameters are same as specified in Clause 5.6 of the P /D0.5
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 9 Configuration Setup Parameters Maximum transmit power setting for DUT, WLCP, Client_Jammer, and AP_Jammer Both the DUT and Client_Jammer in adjacent/non-overlapping channels in a-only, b-only, or g-only modes: –For b/g mode, DUT/WLCP and Client_Jammer/AP_Jammer channel setup are 1 and 6, respectively, or 2 other channels with offset of 25MHz –For a mode, DUT/WLCP and Client_Jammer/AP_Jammer channel setup are 48 and 52, respectively, or 2 other channels with offset of 20MHz –The actual channel selection should be recorded No security (Open System) DUT and Client_Jammer on AC power with all power saving features disabled
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 10 Test Methodology The DUT’s OTA throughput is measured for one minute without interference, two minutes with interference, and a final one minute without interference –The reason to measure the DUT’s throughput performance during the final one minute without interference is to account for throughput impact due to the possible DUT’s graceful rate scaling recovery after the interference In the ideal case, the DUT’s throughput performance is unaffected by the interference from neighboring device
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 11 Procedure Measure DUT’s throughput for one minute without interference Measure DUT’s throughput for two minutes with interference Measure DUT’s throughput for one minute without interference Calculate DUT’s % Throughput Degradation 1 min2 min3 min4 minTime Client_Jammer/AP_Jammer Active Period DUT/WLCP Active Period Quiet Run-up Period Interference Period Quiet Run- down Period
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 12 Procedure - details 1.Setup DUT/WLCP and Client_Jammer/AP_Jammer on appropriate adjacent non-overlapping channels for a/b/g mode 2.Associate DUT with WLCP 3.Enforce DUT to Tx/Rx 1MB file for 4 minutes (DUT using auto rate negotiation) 4.Measure DUT’s throughput and record 5.After 1 minute, associate Client_Jammer with AP_Jammer 6.Enforce Client_Jammer to Tx/Rx 1MB file for 2 minutes 7.Measure Client_Jammer’s throughput and record 8.After 2 minutes, turn off Client_Jammer and AP_Jammer
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 13 Procedure – details (cont’d) 9.Repeat above steps with DUT and Client_Jammer in the following Tx/Rx modes of file transfer: DUTClient_JammerTx TxRx RxTxRx 10.Calculate DUT’s % throughput degradation 11.Repeat above steps with different combinations of channels and modes for the DUT and Client_Jammer
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 14 Reporting The following data should be reported: –Noise level –Ambient Temperature –Relative humidity –Details of Client_Jammer and AP_Jammer e.g. manufacturer, model, etc. The results should be reported as a table The details of the test results could also be included in a graphical format –Graphs show DUT’s and Client_Jammer’s throughput over a period of 4 and 2 minutes, respectively, for different modes, channels, and Tx/Rx combinations Mode DUT Channel Client_Jam mer Channel DUT Tx/Rx Client_Jamm er Tx/Rx DUT’s Average Throughput during Quiet Run-up Period (Mbps) DUT’s Average, Minimum, and Maximum Throughput during Interference Period (Mbps) Client_Jamm er’s Average Throughput during Interference Period (Mbps) DUT’s Average Throughput during Quiet Run-down Period (Mbps) DUT’s % Throughput Degradation
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 15 Example of Reporting - Table Mode DUT Channel Client_Jam mer Channel DUT Rx/Tx Client_Jamm er Rx/Tx DUT’s Average Throughput during Quiet Run-up Period (Mbps) DUT’s Average, Minimum, and Maximum Throughput during Interference Period (Mbps) Client_Jammer’s Average Throughput during Interference (Mbps) DUT’s Average Throughput during Quiet Run-down Period (Mbps) DUT’s % Throughput Degradation g16Tx Avg: 21.14Avg: Min: 8.16 Max: Avg: 10.10Avg: % g16TxRxAvg: 21.19Avg: Min: Max: Avg: 3.40Avg: % g16RxTxAvg: 21.30Avg: 5.61 Min: 4.40 Max: Avg: 14.80Avg: % g16Rx Avg: 22.52Avg: Min: Max: Avg: 6.70Avg: %
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 16 Example of Detailed Reporting - Graphs DUT’s Throughput Client_Jammer’s Throughput DUT in Rx mode and Client_Jammer in Rx mode DUT’s Throughput Client_Jammer’s Throughput DUT in Rx mode and Client_Jammer in Tx mode
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 17 Example of Detailed Reporting - Graphs DUT in Tx mode and Client_Jammer in Rx mode DUT in Tx mode and Client_Jammer in Tx mode Client_Jammer’s Throughput DUT’s Throughput Client_Jammer’s Throughput
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 18 OTA Indoor LOS ACI Test Modifiers Fixed Tx/Rx data rates for the DUT and Client_Jammer Power saving mode Other operating channels in a-only, b-only, or g-only modes Mixed mode where the DUT is in g mode while Client_Jammer is in b mode or vice versa
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 19 Conclusions Presented ACI metric and methodology for OTA indoor LOS test environment The test metric uses a test environment that has been defined in the draft Presented some examples on result reporting Recommendation: –Recommend TGT to adopt the content of document /XXXXr0 into the IEEE P /D0.5 draft
doc.: IEEE /0088r0 Submission January 2006 Neeraj Sharma, IntelSlide 20 References [1] IEEE [2] IEEE P /D0.5