3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam1 Midterm Presentation Spring 2003 Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam2 Project Team Joanna Kühn Christine Simon Tung Thanh Nguyen Nhien To Ngo Hanh Van Nguyen KTH KTH MoST MoST MoST
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam3 Project Team (cont) Principal: Coach: Co-coach: Lars Gimbert Alberto Escudero-Pascual Van Nguyen Hong DSV/Sida KTH/IT MoST
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam4 Overview Introduction Background Project goals Project methodology Project structure Work done Wireless technology survey Equipment Testing methods Scenarios Remaining tasks Conclusions Problems Risks Benefits Summary Questions and Answers
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam5 Background §The Wireless Vietnam project is a subproject of the ongoing STE-NET project §The STE-NET project aims to build a network infrastructure §The infrastructure will provide Internet connectivity and information services to the different educational sectors in Vietnam
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam6 Background (cont) l Sida – Swedish International Development co-operation Agency l MoST – Ministry of Science and Technology in Vietnam l IT – University in Kista, Sweden The STE-NET project is a co-operation between
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam7 Project organisation STE-NET PROJECT InfrastructureICT ServicesHRD M&O Project Wireless Vietnam
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam8 Project goals §Provide a showcase of wireless broadband access by building two pilot sites that are connected to the STE-NET POP (Point of Presence) in Hanoi §The two selected pilot sites l Hanoi Medical College l Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam9 Project methodology Learn Propose Implement Document Evaluate How to fulfil the goals §Learn about wireless technologies §Select one appropriate wireless technology §Make an implementation plan l a wireless technology survey l a list of needed equipment l a description of how to implement it l budget §Purchase equipment and make tests in Stockholm §Implement and test the technology in Hanoi §Document the implementation procedure §Provide training for stakeholders and staff at MoST
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam10 Project structure Phase I l Working in Stockholm l January – March 2003 Phase II l Working in Hanoi l April – May 2003
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam11 Wireless technology survey Comparing the wireless technologies §IEEE a §IEEE b §IEEE g §IEEE (MMDS) Decision based on the following criteria §Availability §Capacity §Costs of equipment §Knowledge §Market trends §Open standards
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam12 Point-to-Multipoint scenario
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam13 Point-to-Point scenario
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam14 Equipment COR-1100OR-500 Antenna VP870/24 Antenna VP470/24 Antenna CA27/24 Antenna Cable Pigtails PC Card Gold S375 Cable IEEE b Radio equipment Low loss microwaves cables 2.4 GHz Antennas
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam15 Testing Methods Perform radio link test §Signal Noise Ratio Stability §Measure effective radio capacity §Measure IP throughput §Measure Quality of Service
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam16 Remaining tasks §Implementation §Verification §Documentation §Training §Handover
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam17 Problems Internal l Different goals for different team members Individual performance rather then teamwork l Culture differences Different way of working l Communication problems Misunderstanding
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam18 Problems (cont) External l Hierachical level at MoST bureaucracy decisions are made beyond our influence and knowledge l Lack of trust and believe in us loosing motivation l Budget approved too late lack of time for testing equipment
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam19 Risks No access to highest point or stakeholder’s building and infrastructure Radio design has to be redone Project delay and goals may not be achieved Plan B: implementation only in test environment
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam20 Benefits §Learn about new wireless technologies §Theoretical and practical, hand-on experiences §Involved in an international project that goes beyond countries’ borders §Understanding different culture and way of working
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam21 Summary What are we doing? §Provide wireless broadband access in Hanoi Where are we now? §Wireless technologies survey §Implementation plan §Ordered equipment Where are we going? §Implementation of the two pilot sites §Documentation and Training for stakeholders and staff at MoST What are we expecting? §Learn about wireless technologies §Gaining international experience §Discover other cultures
3/26/2003Project Wireless Vietnam22 Questions and Answers Feel free to ask questions! More info at: Webpage: