1 Lodi Unified School District High Priority Schools Grant (HPSGP) Review of Progress for Live Oak, Needham, and Washington Elementary Schools Mary Camezon,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Lodi Unified School District High Priority Schools Grant (HPSGP) Review of Progress for Live Oak, Needham, and Washington Elementary Schools Mary Camezon, HPSGP Team Lead March 4, 2008 Napa/Solano/Contra Costa Educational Support Team, External Entity Providing Technical Assistance

2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Implementation Year Focus on the Nine Essential Program Components Houghton Mifflin Implementation Priority Report provides information on strengths and areas for growth

3 EPC #1: Instructional Program Note: Will report on ELA implementation this time – math at the next report. All three sites implementing with fidelity core state adopted text in ELA:  Direct whole group instruction  All parts of the program: English Learner Handbook, Challenge Handbook, Interactive Readers  Using Sound Spelling cards to teach sound/letter relationship  Interactive theme focus walls

4 Beginning to work on implementing:  Universal Access (differentiated small group instruction)  Building student engagement  Improving the classroom environment Implementing Language! for 4-6 grade students who need intensive reading intervention:  Addresses reading skill gaps  Fast paced  Intended to ensure that students can read at grade level at exit of program  Has ELD component EPC #1: Instructional Program

5 Areas for growth:  Universal access implementation – building independent learners.  Language! implementation – pacing and data analysis. Areas of concern:  ELD instruction grades K-3  Reading intervention K-3 EPC #1: Instructional Program

6 EPC #2: Instructional Minutes All sites have re-designed classroom schedules to address time requirements for teaching ELA. Some grade levels/classrooms have found time to teach ELD K-3.

7 EPC #3: Admin. Training Principals have been trained in AB 430. Principals of Needham and Washington are also attending Mini-Module Houghton Mifflin training with their teachers.

8 EPC #4: Teacher Training Most teachers have attended SB472 training for Houghton-Mifflin. Most teachers are attending the Mini-Module Houghton Mifflin training provided by the district. Language! teachers attended SB472. Teachers from all 3 schools plan to take HM year 2 advanced training this summer. Training also provided by external ELA coach at all 3 sites.

9 EPC #5: Data & Assessment Teachers using assessment system to determine student progress:  Common assessments  Increased data analysis Teachers selected focal students to study. Administrators and leadership teams (including teachers) have conducted monthly walkthroughs of classrooms. District/Site Leadership Teams meet monthly with HPSGP Team to review progress and problem solve. Teams meet with site faculties to hear their concerns and problem solve.

10 EPC #6: Coaching Support for teachers learning new text programs (HM and Language!) provided by external ELA coach. Some teachers also receiving coaching in math program implementation by external math coaches. Plan to provide more math support next year to all teachers. District plan to provide ELA coaching next year in addition to external ELA coaching. Coaching has been well received by most teachers.

11 EPC #7: Collaboration Teachers are collaborating weekly. Conducting cycle of inquiry around achievement of focal students. All three sites meeting April 16 to share data and practices. Area of growth: Build collaborative practices. Build collaboration among and between grade levels.

12 EPC #8: Pacing Initial implementation of draft pacing guides. Some confusion about which pacing guides to use. Area of growth: Continued development of pacing guide.

13 Initial Results… Increased trust in the HPSGP process. Improved teacher familiarity with the HM text program elements. Increased understanding of the Language! program. Improved instruction in classrooms.

14 Conclusion The HPSGP Team commends the administration and staff of Needham, Live Oak, and Washington schools for their thoughtful implementation of the Corrective Action Plan recommendations. The HPSGP Team commends district personnel for their professional support of administration and staff of Needham, Live Oak, and Washington schools as they implement the Corrective Action Plan recommendations.