Reauthorization of the US Highway & Transit Bill: How Will Walking & Bicycling Fare? Pro Walk / Pro Bike Panel Discussion
Panelists Bill Wilkinson Senior Advisor National Center for Bicycling & Walking Kit Keller Executive Director Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Kevin Mills Vice President for Policy Rails-To-Trails Conservancy Andy Clarke Executive Director League of American Bicyclists
Transportation Reform Secretary’s assessment of current Federal Aid for transportation
Transportation Reform Secretary’s plan for Federal Aid for transportation
What is in the Reform Proposal? Fewer Federal funding categories Pilot program to opt out of the Federal Aid Highway Program Focus on: Safety Interstate highway system and other highways of ‘national interest’ Major metropolitan areas (i.e., congestion; pricing)
What is NOT in the Reform Proposal? No mention of: Transportation Enhancements Recreational Trails Program Safe Routes to School Nonmotorized Transportation (Pilot) Program Any funding programs specific to walking and bicycling. [The only reference to walking and bicycling relates to NHTSA safety funds.]
How to Comment on the Reform Proposal Advanced Docket Search Enter OST under “Docket ID” and click “Submit.” Or just go to: Or contact me and I’ll help:
What Happens Now? Change in Executive Office Congressional elections Advocacy campaigns SAFETEA-LU expires September 30, 2009 Continuing resolutions? Significant reform? What happens to walking and bicycling?
Panelists Bill Wilkinson Senior Advisor National Center for Bicycling & Walking Kit Keller Executive Director Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Kevin Mills Vice President for Policy Rails-To-Trails Conservancy Andy Clarke Executive Director League of American Bicyclists