NOTES DATE: ______/_______/_______ What: Real Number System Why: To identify and examine the relationships among the subsets of the Real Number System. NAME: Real Number System “Never Walk In Rain” N atural– begin with ____________ -- “counting #’s.” W hole– all of the ______________________ #’s, plus _______________. I ntegers– all of the positive whole #’s, plus the ______________ whole #’s. R ational– all of the integers, plus _________________________. I rrational– non-repeating, non-terminating ________________ #’s.
NaturalWholeIntegersRational Irrational √25 -1/2-1/2 √2 75% Place a check mark under ALL the subsets that the given # is a member of: Place a check mark under the SMALLEST subset (most specific)that the given # is a member of (may choose only ONE): NaturalWholeIntegersRational Irrational /4 √ √5 33.3%
“PRACTICE IT” DATE: ______/_______/_______ NAME:__________________________ Real number system:
NaturalWholeIntegersRational Irrational 20 π √ √10 7/87/8 Place a check mark under ALL the subsets that the given # is a member of: Place a check mark under the SMALLEST SUBSET (most specific) that the given # is a member of (may choose only ONE) : NaturalWholeIntegersRational Irrational ¼ -1/4-1/4 √9 0 √5 33.3%