Quiz Instructions! 1.Please take a seat in the seat you sat in yesterday. 2.Take out your laptops and play the activity Unit 6 Quiz 1. 3.Wait patiently.


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Presentation transcript:

Quiz Instructions! 1.Please take a seat in the seat you sat in yesterday. 2.Take out your laptops and play the activity Unit 6 Quiz 1. 3.Wait patiently for Ms. Landy’s go- ahead to take the quiz.

Objective: SWBAT identify and use the Mahabharata and Ramayana as historical sources. Calisthenics: On the SAME sheet of paper from yesterday please write the FULL QUESTION and ANSWER 1)What is dharma? 2) What is an epic? NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT! Review your quiz on Quia!

Sanskrit Aryans developed a written language called Sanskrit. Sanskrit is part of the language family called “Indo-European languages”. Languages in a language family share similarities.

Mahabharata and Ramayana The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are two Indian epics, originally written in Sanskrit. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana provide insight into the culture, values, and beliefs of Ancient India and the Hindu religion.

Check for Understanding What type of written language did Aryans develop? What language family is Sankrit a part of? What is an epic? What two epics were written in Ancient India? Why are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana important?

Calisthenics Please write the QUESTION and the ANSWER on the SAME sheet of paper you’ve been working on all week. *Reminder all of these will be collected FRIDAY and count as a class work grade* 1. What is Sanskrit? 2. What does the Mahabhrata and Ramayana tell us about Indian Culture? (two things) 3. What is an epic? Homework: ????

Reminder! We are NOT studying Mahabrhata. But you may see a question like this….

Ramayana: “The Journey of Rama” Rama was a prince who everyone adored. Rama always acted properly and morally. He was set to be the new King…until…his step-mother made the King promise to make her own son the new King and to banish Rama to the forest.

Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana in the forest Rama was courteous and dutiful. He left the Kingdom without anger, followed by his loyal wife Sita and brother Lakshmana. Together Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana wandered through the forest happily for several years until…

Ravana kidnaps Sita The demon King Ravana kidnapped Sita and brought her to his royal palace. Rama and Lakshmana spent ten months looking for Sita and finally led an army to defeat Ravana and rescue Sita.

Check for Understanding Who was Rama? Who was Sita? Who was Lakshmana? Who was Ravana? Summarize the story of the Ramayana.

Dharma or No Dharma? Review: What is dharma? – Dharma includes both good and righteous behavior according to one's role in society, and the correct performance of one's role in society in any given situation.

Lessons of the Indian Epics: Following the Dharma Read the excerpt (parts) of the Indian epic the Ramayana. Answer the Comprehension Questions and the Think Questions. Think about how dharma is shown through each character’s actions. *Remember: the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are often used as stories to teach children how to follow their dharma.*