the Ramayana story protagonist
Hindu religion Polytheistic 3 major gods in the Ramayana: Bramha – the Creator Shiva – the Destroyer of evil Vishnu – the Preserver of balance (often depicted as the color of a stormcloud) Has 10 avatars (incarnations) #8 is Ram #9 is Krishna #10 is Kulki (yet to come)
Rama Used for surprise/shock (“Oh, God!”) Closest word the Hindi language has to the word “god” Used as a greeting (“RamRam”) Written on EVERYTHING In India, the characters of the Ramayana are used to sell products (cigarettes, furnaces, cars, etc.)
Hinduism (con’t) Belief in reincarnation Dharma – to know and obey one’s duty in life Karma – the consequences of doing one’s dharma
Authors There are as many Ramayanas as there are grains of sand on the seashore. Old Hindu saying Valmiki – first to write it down; existed as an oral traditon for several centuries beforehand TulsiDas – most popular version. Wrote it down around 300 CE & changed the characters actions a little.
The Ramayana is not reality; it is a mirror that reflect reality. 15 major languages in India, so some changes to the names (Rama in original Sanskrit becomes Ram in Hindi). Ramayana text is considered imperfect; it’s a blueprint, a seed. The story lives when it is told. Expounders – people who take a small section of text and tell it in detail The Ramayana is not reality; it is a mirror that reflect reality. REMEMBER: THIS IS A LIVING EPIC!
Themes Compassion for the lowly Hospitality Models of behavior Perfect son Perfect brother Perfect wife Perfect husband Perfect King