Agenda 5/18/05 Imaging Quick Write/Sketch Work on Surrealist Synectic Art Project –Create multiple attempts at a final solution (brainstorming, writing, and sketching before each one). –Make sure you are not just making a collage of disconnected images of your 3 words. Synectics means that you are supposed to come up with ONE unified idea from seemingly incompatible elements.
Galatea of the Spheres, 1952
Butterfly Landscape (The Great Masturbator in a Surrealist Landscape with D.N.A.),
Modern Rhapsody - The Seven Arts, 1957
Rock 'n Roll, 1957
Santiago El Grande, 1957
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus,
Quick Write/Sketch (5/18/05) “I don’t do drugs. I am drugs.” ~Salvador Dali Respond (with words and sketches) to Dali’s quote and his works of art.