Three Lectures on Tropical Cyclones Kerry Emanuel Massachusetts Institute of Technology Spring School on Fluid Mechanics of Environmental Hazards
Lecture 2: Physics
Steady-State Energetics
Energy Production
Distribution of Entropy in Hurricane Inez, 1966 Source: Hawkins and Imbembo, 1976
Total rate of heat input to hurricane: Surface enthalpy flux Dissipative heating In steady state, Work is used to balance frictional dissipation:
Plug into Carnot equation: If integrals dominated by values of integrands near radius of maximum winds,
Theoretical Upper Bound on Hurricane Maximum Wind Speed: Air-sea enthalpy disequilibrium Surface temperature Outflow temperature Ratio of exchange coefficients of enthalpy and momentum
Annual Maximum Potential Intensity (m/s)
Observed Tropical Atlantic Potential Intensity Data Sources: NCAR/NCEP re-analysis with pre-1979 bias correction, UKMO/HADSST1 Emanuel, K., J. Climate, 2007
Thermodynamic disequilibrium necessary to maintain ocean heat balance: Ocean mixed layer Energy Balance (neglecting lateral heat transport): Greenhouse effect Mean surface wind speed Weak explicit dependence on T s Ocean mixed layer entrainment
Dependence on Sea Surface Temperature (SST):
Relationship between potential intensity (PI) and intensity of real tropical cyclones
Why do real storms seldom reach their thermodynamic potential? One Reason: Ocean Interaction
Strong Mixing of Upper Ocean
Near-Inertial Oscillations of the Upper Ocean
Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid, omitting viscosity and linearized about a state of rest:
Special class of solutions for which p=w=0: Unforced solution:
Mixing and Entrainment:
Mixed layer depth and currents
SST Change
Comparison with same atmospheric model coupled to 3-D ocean model; idealized runs: Full model (black), string model (red)
Computational Models of Hurricanes: A simple model Hydrostatic and gradient balance above PBL Moist adiabatic lapse rates on M surfaces above PBL Parameterized convection Parameterized turbulence
Transformed radial coordinate: Potential Radius:
Example of Distribution of R surfaces
Model behavior
Comparing Fixed to Interactive SST:
A good simulation of Camille can only be obtained by assuming that it traveled right up the axis of the Loop Current:
2. Sea Spray
3. Wind Shear
Effects of Environmental Wind Shear Dynamical effects Thermodynamic effects Net effect on intensity
Streamlines (dashed) and θ surfaces (solid)
Mean Absolute Error of NOAA/NHC Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts
Tropical Cyclone Motion
Tropical cyclones move approximately with a suitably defined vertical vector average of the flow in which they are embedded
Lagrangian chaos:
“Beta Gyres”
Operational prediction of tropical cyclone tracks: