[ADD TITLE] Field Experience Culminating Presentation [ADD YOUR NANE] [ADD DATE]
Field Experience Background Description of Organization Activities and Deliverables
Field Competency Demonstration TC # Learning CompetencyObservation/Lessons Learned
Building on Your Field Experience: Addressing Change at Multiple Levels *If applicable, otherwise note N/A SEM LevelsHow Addressed by FE*Potential Future Intervention Individual Interpersonal Organizational Community Policy
Future Intervention: Focused Example Goals of proposed intervention Overall structure of proposed intervention Identify Evaluation Indicators for: – Formative evaluation – Process evaluation – Impact evaluation – Outcome evaluation
Communication Campaign for Proposed Intervention Identify target population Identify desired outcome of communication campaign Specify a communication model to meet desired outcomes Identify three activities you would complete within the specified communication model
Research Design - Quantitative Research question Research population Design Strengths Limitations Analysis
Research Design - Qualitative Research question Research population Design Strengths Limitations Analysis
Conclusions Future plans Acknowledgments