Ch 31: Sec s Environmentalism & Consumerism
Rachel Carson = wrote the book “Silent Spring” all about how the pesticide DDT was killing all the birds Being used to kill mosquitos on a lake in NY Result = DDT Banned Earth Day created in April 1970 = promote being GREEN EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) created 1970 = sets and enforces pollution standards 1960s Environmental Movement
Love Canal: Housing Development near Niagara Falls, NY Lots of health problems (cancer, birth defects) Homes sat on top of a toxic waste dump Three Mile Island = Harrisburg PA Nuclear plant leaked radiation! Town had to evacuate. Result = push for stricter plant inspection 1960s Environmental Movement
1960s Consumerism In 1960s, there were a high number of automobile fatalities Ralph Nader = wrote the book “Unsafe at Any Speed” by 1990 all cars had to have airbags Andy Warhol = famous POP Artist Pop Art = focused on popular cultural items
Andy Warhol’s Pop Art