TEAM SUPREME PRESENTS CHAPTER 6, 9, & 11 Members: Ivan Barron, Colleen Fish, Ali Syed Course: MRK 224 Professor:Angela Zigras
Contents… n Chapter 6* Organizing Your Information (Ivan) n Chapter 9* Outlining (Ali) n Chapter 11* Using Notes That Will Work For You (Colleen)
Ch.6 Organizing Your Information 5 points in organizing your info: n Chronological n Spatial n Topical n Casual n Problem-solution
Chronological Arranging dated events in order of occurrence or time sequence. Arranging dated events in order of occurrence or time sequence. n I.e.: World War 1 Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Canadian Idol Canadian Idol (1) Jesus Christ (2) World War 1 (3) Canadian Idol (1) Jesus Christ (2) World War 1 (3) Canadian Idol
Spatial Spatial coming from the root word “space”, means the distance or space to one place to another, or a project from start to finish. Spatial coming from the root word “space”, means the distance or space to one place to another, or a project from start to finish. n I.e.: How to get to Niagara Falls from Seneca. Or the design of new attachments to Seneca. Or the design of new attachments to Seneca.
Topical Information that’s organized into categories that is based on the related topic. Information that’s organized into categories that is based on the related topic. n I.e: Music topic -types of music genre’s -types of music genre’s -musical instruments used -musical instruments used -music artists in the industry -music artists in the industry
Casual The pattern developed in resulting from or occurring by chance. The pattern developed in resulting from or occurring by chance. n I.e: Cancer -lung cancer from smoking -lung cancer from smoking -inhaling toxic fumes -inhaling toxic fumes -it can run in your family -it can run in your family
Problem-solution Existing technical problems, given reasons for a solution, state potential solutions, and consider recommended action for the problem. Existing technical problems, given reasons for a solution, state potential solutions, and consider recommended action for the problem. n I.e: Hunger/Starvation- World Vision Cure for Cancer- Canadian Cancer Society Cure for Cancer- Canadian Cancer Society Air pollution - hybrid cars Air pollution - hybrid cars
Chapter 9: Outlining Overhead presentation
Ch.11 Using Notes Will Work For you Most speakers use notes of some kind, these can be anything from teleprompters to cue cards. Presenting or speaking with out notes is unpredictable and dangerous, it is good to use notes because: Most speakers use notes of some kind, these can be anything from teleprompters to cue cards. Presenting or speaking with out notes is unpredictable and dangerous, it is good to use notes because: n they keep you focused n get you back on track if you go blank n act as a security blanket when you are nervous
Preparing your Notes There are many different styles of notes that you can use, choose a style that works for you. However, a few general rules to follow: There are many different styles of notes that you can use, choose a style that works for you. However, a few general rules to follow: n use cards for short presentations/paper for long ones n use a large font n use keywords and main ideas n write out introductions and conclusions n include transitional phrases n use only one side n number your cards n use as few as possible n give yourself stage direction on your notes n use color *if being graded on your notes, always follow the instructions *if being graded on your notes, always follow the instructions
Practice and Preparation So now that you have the best possible notes for your presentation, what do you do with them? Familiarize yourself with them by practicing, another good tip is to make extra copies of them and keep them on you; it’s not going to do any good to have great note cards that you can’t find when you need them. Something's to tackle while rehearsing or practicing: So now that you have the best possible notes for your presentation, what do you do with them? Familiarize yourself with them by practicing, another good tip is to make extra copies of them and keep them on you; it’s not going to do any good to have great note cards that you can’t find when you need them. Something's to tackle while rehearsing or practicing: n find an environment similar to your presentation n be comfortable holding your note cards n keep notes inconspicuous n video tape yourself or practice in front of a mirror
Using your Cards During the Presentation Now that your presenting, there are a few things you want to remember to help you interrogate your notes into your performance. Above all, be smooth, calm and prepared after all your practice, right? Now that your presenting, there are a few things you want to remember to help you interrogate your notes into your performance. Above all, be smooth, calm and prepared after all your practice, right? n Hold them in one hand, don’t pocket them! n If possible, don’t hold them during speech n don’t draw attention to your cards n look at your audience; not your notes n don’t memorize n don’t rearrange note cards
Title: sample note card Content in point form {direction for some action to take place} {direction for some action to take place} content in point form {Content to be said exactly} content in point form {transitional phrase to said exactly}