Air Pollution By: Ray Carlton III
How does the air get polluted? It gets polluted by the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological matter that can cause some big problems to humans, organisms, or damages to the environment into the atmosphere.
Continued… Air pollution can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. It is also concentrated in densely populated metropolitan areas.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) It’s a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion but it is also gas vital to living organisms. It is also a natural gas in the atmosphere.
Nitrogen Oxide (Cox) Nitrogen oxide is emitted by high temperature combustion. It can be seen as brown haze dome above downwind of cities.
Sulfur Oxide Is produced by volcanoes and industrial process.
Carbon Monoxide It’s a colorless, odorless, nonirritating, but it is a poisonous gas. It’s a product of incomplete combustion of natural gas, coal, or wood.
Volatile Organic compounds It’s a very important outdoor air pollutant.
Particulate Matter They are tiny particles that are solid or liquid trapped in a gas.
Radioactive Pollutants They are produced by nuclear explosions, war explosions, and natural processes.
Anthropogenic sources of air pollution. Stationary sources-smoke stacks of power plants, manufacturing facilities, and waste incinerators. Mobile sources-marine vessels, motor vehicles, aircraft, and the effect of sound etc.
What kind of things can pollution do to humans? Air pollution can cause people to have the following Heart Disease Emphysema Lung cancer
Natural Sources of air pollution. Dust from natural sources, usually large areas of land with little or no vegetation. Methane, emitted by the digestion
How can we keep this from happening? Make things that don’t put any pollution in the air like hybrid cars and just have solar energy.