E-Learning - a Cedefop priority Johan van Rens Director
e-Learning a Cedefop priority e-Learning a Cedefop priority eEurope initiative - December 1999 Lisbon European Council conclusions eEurope action plan
Support for networks of players in ICT learning and training documentation and information on developments in systems, financing and organisation of ICT relevant learning thesaurus and glossary about ICT learning Cedefop and eLearning action plan
anxiety over skills of teachers and trainers in using e-learning 60% of respondents have undertaken informal self-development in relation to e- learning, through a range of media lack of formal training? Some survey conclusions
66% of respondents rate trainers’ training programmes as poor or fair teachers and trainers are moving from ICT skills development to pedagogical issues concerning e-learning Some survey conclusions
An excellent resource for the changing profiles of trainers Trainers Resource Guide an inventory of projects at European level for training of teachers and trainers to help identify good practice
Cedefop action working to develop e-learning indicators to monitor progress in the use of IT in learning e-learning conference, Thessaloniki, September 2002
Cedefop action promoting standards in describing e-learning resources (metadata) hosting a database of e-learning products January 2002 seeking alliances with industry and academia to disseminate information
E-learning ETV eEurope technology online surveys case studies bulletin board products and services ETV and e-learning
Bulletin Board Visit our experts and add comments, questions and links Technology News and links to information, web sites and demonstrations of new developments Case studies Studies with expert commentary on actual usage/applications in organisations, with opportunities to discuss background, context and results European Training Village and e-learning
Cedefop and Career-Space-Consortium Private - public partnership industry - ICT and other sectors European Commission Member States Cedefop training organisations and bodies European employers and trade union organisations
Support for ICT learning platform in Europe jobs and skills affected by ICT developments technologies, labour market and jobs guidance and counselling on career opportunities certification and recognition of competences Cedefop and eLearning action plan
“The extent of e-learning in Europe” “The extent of e-learning in Europe” hard data from over 700 companies throughout EU analysis and conclusions publication launch February 2002
e-learning surveys eight surveys on e-learning in 2001 over responses in total reports on findings available on ETV data available in De, En, Es and Fr
Conclusions EU recognises importance of IT and e- learning emphasis on acquisition of computer literacy skills and on training of teachers and trainers
E-Learning - a Cedefop priority Johan van Rens Director