The Life and Legacy of Emperor Constantine By Kevin Salcedo
Constantine’s Early Life Born in approximately 272 as the son of a Roman army officer and his consort. He would come to be considered a future candidate for his father’s position of Caesar. Received a formal education at Diocletian’s court Witnessed the Great Christian persecution. Would be held in this court as hostage under Galerius, who became Augusti along with his father Constantine would also become an Augusti although he was only acknowledged as a caesar.
Early Rule Constantine positioned his army on the Rhine and showed first signs of dealing with Christians leniently. He would become an official augusti through marriage, simultaneously quelling political unrest. He would continue to exercise his military power and gain acheivements.
Rebellion and War Constantine would quell the rebellion of Maximian and later defeat Maxentius in war, who had already shown signs of defection earlier.
Christian Relations Constantine's first link to Christianity was his use of the “Rho” sign on his soldiers shields which he attributed his victory to. His policy towards Christianity begins with the Edict of Milan. Offered privileges to Christianity Controversy as to when he accepted Christianity
Controversy Christianity accepted at young age, gradually over time, or at end of life? Christianity simply used as tool to unite Empire and quell social issues? He did not give Christianity enough visual representation as well as pledging full allegiance to it: Arch of Constantine, coinage, and venerable day of the sun?
Legacy Title of “the Great” Military achievements Unification of the Empire Byzantine Longest reign as Emperor