DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 1.IMMEDIATE GOAL : The Moderates wanted Swaraj within the British framework i.e. self government and autonomy within the British Empire like the British colonies of Australia and Canada having dominion status. The Assertives wanted absolute or total Swaraj minus the British umbrella. India would be totally free of the foreign British rule and Indians would elect their representatives to decide their policies and programmes. They wanted to root out the evil British Rule.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 2.OUTLOOK : The Moderates looked upon British rule as providential and did not want to upset their apple cart by any means, having full faith in British sense of justice and fair play. The Assertives were suspicious of British intent and denounced, questioned and defied British rule. They Held them directly responsible for the abject poverty and backwardness of India and looked upon British rule as a curse which should end.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 3.METHOD : The Moderates believed in cooperation and reconciliation within the constitutional framework especially the three P’s Petition, Prayer and Protest, which made them be dubbed as ‘ mendicants ’. The Assertives believed in direct, aggressive and radical methods like swadeshi, swaraj, boycott, non cooperation and national education. Followed the thunderous battlecry“Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it.” by Tilak.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 4.MASS APPEAL : The Moderates had a narrow social base with only the urban middle class and intelligentsia supporting them. So their base was on the lesser side. The Assertives had a wide social base down to the g rassroot level encompassing middle class, workers and farmers. This made them have wider base and appeal with the people who were ready to support them.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 5.INSPIRATION: The Moderates drew inspiration from Western philosophers like Mill,Burke,Spencer, Voltaire, Ruskin, Garibaldi, Mazzini, by looking outside and drawing from ideas like liberalism, democracy, fraternity, liberty, equality and justice. The Assertives drew inspiration from India’s haloed heritage and bonded with the masses with Ganapati and Shivaji festivals, Akharas, Lathi clubs and invoking Goddess Kali and Durga for strength. The wanted the Golden Age of the Gupta period and the time when India was known as the ‘golden bird’ to come back.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODERATES AND ASSERTIVES 6.SPIRIT: Lacked the spirit of self sacrifice as they were the intelligentsia coming from well to do backgrounds in the upper crust of the society, being born with a silver spoon. Were real sons of the soil, if not rustics, earning their stripes by sheer dint of hard work, merit, determination backed with the tenacity of ‘self sacrifice’ which was their mantra. They had become battle scarred which strengthened their resolve made them self reliant to face hardships even at the cost of their family life and own life. They were ready to take on the British might anywhere, anytime head on.
DEMANDS OF THE MODERATES 1. Constitutional Reforms. 2. Administrative Reforms. 3. Socio-Economic Reforms. 1. Constitutional Reforms i) Expand Legislative Council and Legislative Assemblies in the centre and the provinces and have more Indians in them who would be given greater power. ii) Abolish India Council. iii) Separate judiciary from the executive. iv) Have Colonial self government like other British colonies.
2. Administrative Reforms. i) Have more Indians in the higher posts. ii) Have the ICS examination simultaneously in India and Britain and raise the age limit for the examination. iii) Local bodies to have more independence and power to function. iv) Have better education, health and medical facilities.
3. Socio-Economic Reforms. i) Reduce the land tax and provide easy loans through agricultural banks. ii) Protect farmers from being exploited by landlords and moneylenders. iii) Abolish salt tax and duty on sugar and improve the working conditions of labour in the plantations. iv) Encourage modern industries through tariff protection and have industries under direct government control. v) Reduce expenditure on army and use the funds for welfare activities.