National Research Council Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, Unit of Applied Pedology, Firenze, Italy Costanza Calzolari Soil survey and applications Soil properties and processes Landscape ecology Soil erosion and conservation Study of processes Modelling Desertification Remote sensing and sensors development
Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection – Applied Pedology Unit, Firenze, Italy ENV Increasing the understanding of the role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning Requires to deepen the understanding of soil biodiversity and of its interactions and links with the soil functions (as defined by EU Soil Thematic Strategy) Our fields of interest on soil biodiversity: Establish the relationships between soil biodiversity and soil functions protection Soil physical properties Study interactions between loss of soil biodiversity and other soil threats, Erosion, Salinization, SOM decline, Sealing Up-scaling of experimental outcomes at regional scale Spatial distributions of soil organisms Spatial variability in agricultural and natural ecosystems Spatial scales and patterns Land use changes and management practices
Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection – Applied Pedology Unit, Firenze, Italy Our possible contribution to the topic call Characterization of spatial patterning of soil biota and their determinants Which soil properties explain most of the underlying variability for selected/target group of soil biota Soil control on soil biota spatial patterns at various scales (pedon to soil region) How spatial distributions of soil organisms influence plant growth and plant community structure