The UK’s European university Writing an Employability Statement Tim Reed Head of Careers & Employability Service
Writing an Employability Statement I am not going to insist you write a Statement in a particular way! Advice and helpful hints on “your” Statement These tips are based on experience and good practice
Writing an Employability Statement Why have training on writing a Statement? Why have a Statement? University of Kent Employability Strategy What should a Statement look like?
Why have training on writing a Statement? Because you asked for it! First time for everything Not all Academic Schools do Employability in the same way, so it is useful to have an opportunity to display the variety of practices and approaches re. a Statement To share ideas
Why have a Statement? Provides focus and direction (e.g. placement commitment, support for WP students) Helps to highlight good practice and achievement of targets (e.g. graduate destinations aims/outcomes, student participation and engagement) Supports meeting the expectations of external review (e.g. QAA HE Review, Professional body accreditation) Helps staff to understand their roles, tasks and purpose Affords emphasis for evaluation
University of Kent Employability Strategy Planning and Strategy page of Kent website (Student Experience) PDF at mployability-strategy-2013.pdf
What should a Statement look like? Is it a Statement, a Policy or a Strategy? Who is it for? Who should write/revise it? Where should it be kept? What should it contain?
What should a Statement contain? An opening statement? Who you are Your key stakeholders (e.g. professional bodies, employers, alumni, training providers) Your priorities (e.g. to increase placement numbers/graduate-level employment) What you do (curriculum, extra-curricular) and what works well Reference to the School Plan, the Student Experience, the Employability Strategy, the Institutional Plan Main interactions with CES, Alumni Relations, KIE, other AS, Kent Union, Kent’s Employability initiatives (e.g. Employability Points Scheme, CEA Award on Moodle, KSCV) Reference to your online content or social media (how you communicate) Key Employability skills/attributes of students Examples of significant events, activities, achievements, key performance indicators How you review employability provision and use student feedback A Statement review date
Any Questions? Time for group discussion.
The UK’s European university Writing an Employability Statement Tim Reed Head of Careers & Employability Service