Standard Grade PE Revision Skill Related Fitness Mental Fitness Brannock High School
There are six types of skill related fitness: AGILITY REACTION TIME BALANCE TIMING CO-ORDINATION MOVEMENT ANTICIPATION These aspects of skill related fitness have an important part to play in the preparation of the body for any activity. They enable skills to be performed successfully.
Agility Agility is the ability to move the body quickly and precisely. When dribbling in hockey, you need to be able to run fast and adjust your body shape to maintain control of the stick and ball. In hockey, agility requires both flexibility and speed.
Reaction Time Reaction Time is the time taken between the recognition of a signal and the start of the movement. In 100m sprint, the athletes must have good reaction time to react to the starter’s gun and start the sprint.
Balance is the ability to retain the centre of gravity over your base of support. Balance Static Balances require you to hold a balance in stillness. E.g. Headstand Dynamic Balances require you to maintain balance under constantly changing conditions e.g. Skiing
Timing is the ability to perform skills at exactly the right time and with the right degree of emphasis Timing In Volleyball, the players who are blocking must time their jump correctly so that they can block the opposing team’s attack.
Co-ordination is the ability to control movements smoothly and fluently. In Javelin, the athlete needs strong arm, back, shoulder and abdominal muscles to throw the javelin. However, in addition to this explosive strength, she must have co- ordination, so that the strength is used at the right stage of the throw. Co-ordination
Movement anticipation is the ability to predict accurately the next set of movements that you need to make. Movement Anticipation In Badminton, you require movement anticipation to respond and move quickly to where your next shot is going to be played. To do this you need to watch your opponent carefully and anticipate early where they will play the shot.
Choose an activity. Explain two aspects of Skill Related Fitness that are required for this activity…….
There are three types of mental fitness: LEVEL OF AROUSAL REHEARSAL MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS
Your level of arousal affects how well you perform. Your level of arousal needs to be just right to perform well Level of Arousal Performance Level Arousal Level of Performer High Mod Low ModHigh On occasions you might be tired or have other things on your mind so your level of arousal will be low. Therefore your performance level will be low. Sometimes the more anxious you are, the higher your level of arousal, the poorer your performance.
Rehearsal is the running through in your mind what you need to do to perform well, prior to the actual performance. Rehearsal A Gymnast may run through her routine on the beam, in her head, prior to performing her sequence.
Managing your emotions is being able to control your emotions in a demanding situations Managing Emotions In Football, when taking a penalty, there are a lot of pressures on you. You need to focus on what you are going to do, be positive and not become distracted
Choose an activity. Explain two aspects of Mental Fitness that are required for this activity…….
Section 8 – Skill Related/Mental Fitness Completed To finish this section, you will be given a work sheet to complete as homework. Use your notes to help you with the answers. If you need help with a question, you can look up the Standard Grade book or ask you teacher. If you have access to the internet, you can also find help on the Bitesize website