The Snooze Hitter Jackie AnthonyAmanda Arnie Final Team Project-EF 151
Project Description A device in which, through a series of energy conversions, allows one to hit the snooze button on an alarm clock simply by releasing a marble into a tube. A marble is released into a piece of PVC pipe The pipe carries the marble down to a track where a toy car waits at rest The marble hits the car and sends it down the track The force of the car sets triggers the mouse trap at the bottom of the track The mouse trap is attached to a string that holds a dowel with a tennis ball on top When the mouse trap goes off, it relieves the tension in the string Relief of tension causes dowel to fall and hit the snooze button
Energy Converstions (1) Marble is released from rest into the pipe. (2) KE of marble hits the car, where gravitational PE turns into KE. (3)The KE that the car has at the end of the track releases the elastic PE in the mouse trap and converts it back to KE. (4)The KE is used to relieve the tension in the string holding the dowel that is held at a ninety degree angle to the table. The dowel then falls, hitting the snooze button.
Arnie Hard at Work
Lets see how it works…
Conclusion Overall our project worked well in achieving our anticipated outcome. Our device endured a series of idea changes due to prior testing failures before we were finally successful. We all contributed equally and worked very well together. We applied several of the concepts we learned over the duration of the semester and used them to demonstrate teamwork, communication, innovation, and construction.
Individual Contributions Amanda-Construction, Powerpoint Anthony-Construction, Fine Tuning Arnie-Construction, Group Motivator Jackie-Construction, Word Report