WELCOME North Park Middle School Mr. Mendoza 6th Math, Social Studies, and Science Mr. Mendoza
WELCOME North Park Middle School Room 301 Mr. Mendoza
Goals Math 6 th (Per. 1, 2, 3, & 4) Build Mathematical Understanding Prepare for Pre-Algebra Prepare for CCSS Assessment Social Studies (Period 5) Build a Knowledge of History Prepare for CCSS Assessment in future grades Science Build Scientific Understanding Increase Critical Thinking
Curriculum Balanced aligned approach (California Common Core State Standards) Emphasis on the CCSS 8 Mathematical Practices Math Textbook: CPM Core Connections Course 1 Course 1 Soc. Studies Textbook: McDougal Littell, World History, Ancient Civilizations Supplemental materials
Grading Policy Benchmark test 40% Quizzes25% Class work 20% Homework15%
Grading Scale See handout
Materials Needed (Math) Single Subject Notebook Agenda 2 Pencils & pencil sharpener 2 Dry-erase marker & eraser 2 Highlighter Green pen Glue stick
Student Discipline Adheres to North Park Middle’s Policies and Procedures (Code of Conduct, Dress Code, School Wide Student Expectations, Classroom Expectations and Tardy Policy).
301 Rules Respect everyone Follow directions Be responsible ( Do the Right Thing & have Self-control). Students will be rewarded for positive, appropriate behavior.
Consequences 1st Infraction: Warning/Phone call (teleparent) 2nd Infraction: Phone call (teleparent) 3rd Infraction: Phone call 4th Infraction: Parent conference 5th Infraction:Referral All infractions will be recorded on a Student Referral card including tardies (Five infractions is an automatic referral). Note Severity Clause Note Severity Clause
Website & Contact Info npms.erusd.org