Put in your pencil bag 12 pencils Colored pencils Scissors 3 glue sticks Red pens Black pens Highlighter Erasers Pencil sharpener any pens you may have White glue
Labeling You will need to label your folders and notebooks. The following slides have all that you need to write. No more, no less.
Name Science
Name Science
Name LA/SS
LASS Pockets Fold
Name SS
5 Subject Notebook Name LA
Name Math/ Ledger
Name Reading
Name Reading ISN
Name Poetry/Reading Response
Name Homework
Take Home Name
Last name, First name True Grit
Last name, First name
I will collect from you Tissues Paper towels Ziploc bags 12 pencils 3 glue sticks Post-it notes Index Cards Notebook Paper Dry Erase Markers