Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) and Personal Curriculum (PC) Update FEBRUARY 6, 2015
Session Outcomes Increase understanding of MMC/PC requirements and recent legislative changes Increase knowledge of PC resources and documents to implement the process
What’s the Purpose of the PC? Provide students with the opportunity to individualize the rigor and relevance of their educational experience by modifying or accelerating their learning within the MMC
What are Reasons for Requesting a PC? Substitute additional credits of Math, ELA, Science or World Language Substitute credits of Social Studies, Health-PE and/or Visual, Performing and Applied Arts (VPAA) through a state approved CTE program Modify the mathematics requirement Modify credit requirements/content expectations for a student with an IEP Modify credit requirements for a transfer student
Who Can Request a PC? Parent/Legal Guardian Emancipated Student School Personnel Section b.(5)
Who Can Request a PC? Parent/Legal Guardian Emancipated Student School Personnel (5)…If the request for a personal curriculum is made by the pupil's parent or legal guardian or, if the pupil is at least age 18 or is an emancipated minor, by the pupil, the school district or public school academy shall develop a personal curriculum for the pupil. Section b.(5)
Notice of PC Availability Annual notice to parents/guardians explaining the PC and that all students are entitled to a PC Notice shall be sent to a student’s home Notice shall be posted on the school’s website Section b.(5)(p)
PC Implementation District shall not limit the number of students with a PC on any basis other than best interest of each individual student PC must be agreed to by the pupil’s parent/guardian and the superintendent Pupil’s parent/guardian shall be in communication pupil’s teachers to monitor the progress toward the goals in PC Revisions may be developed/agreed to in same manner as original PC Section b.(5)(c,o,d)
Who Develops a PC? Pupil (required) Parent/Legal Guardian (required) Teacher* or School Counselor (required) (for student with IEP) School Psychologist (recommended) *who is currently teaching the pupil, who currently teaches in or whose expertise is in a subject area being modified by the personal curriculum, or who is determined by the principal to have qualifications otherwise relevant to the group. Section b.(5)(a)
Who Develops a PC? Pupil (required) Parent/Legal Guardian (required) Teacher* or School Counselor (required) (for student with IEP) School Psychologist (recommended) This subdivision does not require an in-person meeting of the group. Section b.(5)(a)
Required PC Elements incorporate as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard… as is practicable for the pupil establish measurable goals that the pupil must achieve while enrolled in high school provide a method to evaluate whether the pupil achieved these goals be aligned with the pupil's educational development plan Section b.(5)(b)
Mathematics Requirements MMCPC 4 math credits total 3 credits aligned to state content expectations in Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II* OR integrated sequence of 3 credits and additional credit such as trigonometry, statistics, pre- calculus, calculus, applied math, accounting, business math, a retake of Algebra II, or a course in financial literacy 1 math or math-related course in the final year All credits aligned to state content expectations 3.5 math/math-related credits allowable including Algebra I, Geometry and 1 math credit in final 2 years of HS Algebra II credit modification options** Additional modifications for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b.(5)(g)
Algebra II MMCPC Algebra II over 2 years for 2 credits Algebra II over 1.5 years for 1.5 credits Partially or fully fulfilled by a formal CTE program /curriculum such as electronics, machining, constriction welding, engineering, computer science, or renewable energy, and in that program/curriculum successfully completing the same content as the Algebra II benchmarks assessed on the state high school assessment. One semester of Algebra II Algebra II content over 2 years for 2 credits One semester of statistics, functions and data analysis OR technical mathematics Enrolls in state-approved CTE program where student successfully completes the same content as Algebra II benchmarks assessed on state assessment Section b.(5)(g)
English Language Arts Requirements MMCPC 4 ELA credits total 1 credit in grades 9, 10, 11, 12 All credits aligned to state content expectations No modification except for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b.(5)(f) Section b.(1)(a)
Science Requirements MMCPC 3 science credits total 1 credit of biology required 1 credit of either chemistry, physics, anatomy or agricultural science May fulfill 3 rd science credit by completing an approved computer science program, state approved CTE program All credits aligned to state content expectations No modifications except for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b.(5)(f ) Section b.(1)(b)
Social Science Requirements MMCPC 3 social science credits total ½ credit of civics required ½ credit of economics 1 credit of US History and Geography 1 credit of World History and Geography All credits aligned to state content expectations No modifications of civics Minimum successful completion of 2 social science credits prior to modification 1 social science credit can be exchanged for an additional ELA, math, science, or world language 1 social studies credit can be fulfilled by completing a formal state-approved CTE program Additional modifications for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b (5)(h)
Health/Physical Education Requirements MMCPC 1 credit including both health and physical education, OR ½ credit in health and ½ credit in PE or district approved participation in extracurricular athletics or other extracurricular activities involving physical activity All credits aligned to state content expectations Health/PE credit can be exchanged for an additional ELA, math, science or world language credit Health/PE credit can be exchanged for completion of a formal state-approved CTE program Additional modifications for students with an IEP or transfer student Section b (5)(i)
Visual, Performing and Applied Arts Requirements MMCPC 1 VPAA credit total All credits aligned to state content expectations VPAA credit can be exchanged for an additional ELA, math, science or world language credit VPAA credit credit can be exchanged for completion of a formal state-approved CTE program Additional modifications for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b (5)(j)
World Language Credit Requirements MMCPC 2 world language credits total (begins with class of 2016) Completion during grades K-12, 2 credits that are grade appropriate or an equivalent learning experience equivalent to 2 credits Students graduating in may fulfill 1 credit by completing a formal state-approved CTE program or additional VPAA credit All or part of requirement can be met with online coursework All credits must be aligned to state guidelines No modifications except for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b.(2)
Online Learning Experience Requirements MMCPC Online course or learning experience is incorporated into one or more required credits No modifications except for students with an IEP or a transfer student Section b.(1)(b)
PC for Students with an IEP Specified team may consider additional and/or alternate MMC modifications that are Necessary because of the pupil’s disability, and Consistent with pupil’s EDP and IEP Allows modifications of any MMC credit requirements and/or subject area content expectations Incorporates as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard… as is practicable for the pupil Section b.(5)(k))
Modifications vs. Accommodations ModificationsAccommodations Changes that lower, reduce, or accelerate learning expectations Fundamentally alter subject area content expectations or credit requirements Practices that change how instruction is presented, how students engage in instruction and how student learning is assessed Do not fundamentally alter the subject area content standards or credit requirements
Modified Content Expectations in a PC Only available to students with a disability and current IEP Essential learning targets may be a starting point from which to modify Consider alternative instructional strategies and assessments to measure proficiency
Required PC Elements incorporate as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard… as is practicable for the pupil establish measurable goals that the pupil must achieve while enrolled in high school provide a method to evaluate whether the pupil achieved these goals be aligned with the pupil's educational development plan Section b.(5)(b)
PC Content and Transfer Students Available for a transfer student who has earned at least 2 years of HS credit out of state or at a nonpublic school May use exams to determine credits earned incorporate as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard… as is practicable for the pupil Must complete 1 math credit in final year of HS (equivalent of Algebra I or higher) Must complete ½ credit of Civics Section b.(5)(l)
Required PC Elements incorporate as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard… as is practicable for the pupil establish measurable goals that the pupil must achieve while enrolled in high school provide a method to evaluate whether the pupil achieved these goals be aligned with the pupil's educational development plan Section b.(5)(b)
MMC and CTE Programs Must be a (state) department approved formal CTE program or curriculum Successful completion means: Completed coursework covering all CTE program standards Completion of any required technical assessments Replacement of 1 credit of world language and/or 1 credit of science, the CTE program does not need to embed the academic content standards from the MMC credit being replaced
PC and CTE Programs Through a PC, students have additional options for replacing MMC credit in the following: 3 rd credit of social studies PE/Health credit VPAA credit 1 CTE program may be used to replace up to 3 of these credits above Through a PC, students can exchange/earn the Algebra II credit through integration of mathematics in a CTE program
What additional questions do you have about the MMC/PC requirements or process?
Resources Public Act 208 (House Bill No. 4465) Public Act 209 (House Bill No. 4466)
Laurie Schmitt Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Allegan Area ESA For more information contact: Wendy Dubuisson Director of Specialized Instruction Allegan Area ESA