s/2010/07/photogalleries/ gulf- oil-spill-birds-brown-pelican- environment-chick-pictures/#/gulf-oil- spill-birds-raccoon-island-oiled-tern- chick_23477_600x450.jpg Oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill covers the breast of a royal tern chick recently hatched on Raccoon Island
"You could see the life draining out of it," says parish official P. J. Hahn, who impulsively rescued this severely oiled brown pelican on Queen Bess Island, La. The bird lived.
spill-dispersants-environment-science/ A boat cuts through surface oil near the site of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead
gulf-oil-spill-bp-top-kill-science-environment/ The white sands of Orange Beach, Alabama, covered in oil in late June.
A heavily oiled brown pelican rests on Queen Bess Island in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay