To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1-15
#1 & 2 Where do the Finches live? (city & state)
#3 What happened to Scout’s mother?
#4 What is the name of Scout's brother? (full name or nickname accepted)
#5 Who do Scout and her brother befriend in Chapter 1? (I need a name)
#6 Why is it unusual that Calpurnia has some education?
#7 Why was Boo Radley locked away in his house?
#8 Why won't Walter Cunningham accept lunch money from Miss Caroline?
#9 What separates the Ewells from the rest of Maycomb’s residents?
#10 Why does Scout get in trouble at that lunch?
#11 Who threatens Miss Caroline in Chapter 3?
#12 In what unusual hiding spot does Scout find chewing gum at the beginning of Chapter 4?
#13 What else do Scout and her brother find in that hiding spot in chapter 4?
#14 In chapter 4, the kids create a ____ based on Boo Radley’s life. a) song b) film c) book d) play
#15 T/F – The version of Boo Radley’s life the children use is wildly exaggerated and almost certainly false.
#16 Miss Maudie loves to __________.
#17 What is the town bogeyman’s real name? (not his nickname)
#18 During their attempt to give Boo a letter, what is the kid’s warning signal that an adult is approaching?
#19 T/F - Nathan Radley scares the kids away with a shotgun blast when they attempt to glimpse Boo Radley one night.
#20 What does Scout’s brother find when he goes to retrieve his pants?
#21 In Chapter 7, after finding more gifts in the knot-hole, Scout and her brother decide to _____________.
#22 What has happened to the knot-hole at the end of Chapter 7?
#23 How does Scout’s brother know that Mr. Radley is lying about what happened to the knot-hole?
#24 What sort of unusual weather do they have in chapter 8?
#25 Who put the blanket on Scout's shoulder's while she stood outside?
#26 Why does Scout fight with Cecil Jacobs and her cousin in Chapter 9?
#27 What is the name of the man Atticus is defending?
#28 Why is Atticus so certain he will lose the case?
#29 Why does Aunt Alexandra disapprove of Scout's behavior?
#30 At the end of Chapter 9, Atticus said that he hoped Jem and Scout could get through the trial without _________.
#31 Briefly summarize Scout and Jem’s primary complaint about their father in Chapter 10.
#32 What does Atticus do in Chapter 10 that changes how his children view him?
#33 In Chapter 10, why does Atticus says that is a “sin to kill a mockingbird”?
#34 T/F – Mrs. Dubose treats Scout and Jem badly and constantly says rude and malicious things about them and their father.
#35 What does Mrs. Dubose say to make Jem furious?
#36 What is Jem’s punishment? (2 things)
#37 How did Jem’s punishment help Mrs. Dubose?
#38 Where do Jem and Scout go to church in chapter 12?
#39 How does life at the Finch house change after Aunt Alexandria moves in?
#40 Why does Aunt Alexandra want Atticus to fire Calpurnia?
#41 Who does Scout find beneath her bed in chapter 14?
#42 Why does Dill believe that Boo Radley has not run away from home?
#43 In chapter 15, where does Atticus go during the middle of the night?
#44 Who else shows up there (#43) and why?
#45 Who or what prevents catastrophe that evening?
Bonus What does Atticus take with him when he heads out for the night in chapter 15? (two things)