Black Gold And Natural Gas
W HAT IS IT U SED F OR ? Black Gold: Black Gold is used to produce fuel for cars, trucks, airplanes, boats and trains. It is also used for asphalt for roads, lubricants for all kinds of machines, plastics, and computers. Natural Gas: Natural gas is used to produce steel, glass, paper, clothing, brick, and electricity. As a raw material Natural Gas can be used for paints, fertilizer, plastics, antifreeze, dyes, photograph film, medicines, and explosives.
What is the effect of the use of the resources on the earth? Black Gold: Global Warming and oil spills Natural Gas: Smog, Air Quality and Acid Rain.
Crude oil: the perfect example of how organisms are effected by crude oil is The BP oil spill in this spill killed over a billion organism including birds, turtles, fish, and many others. Natural gas: Although it’s the cleanest burning fossil fuel Natural gas still effects many organism including humans. When Natural gas is burned it emits co2 to the atmosphere causing poor air quality making it more difficult breathe to any animal that breathes in oxygen
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