National Grants Partnership October 2010 General Meeting Merril Oliver President, National Grants Management Association (NGMA) Deputy Director, Maryland Governor’s Grants Office
Grants Management Body of Knowledge (GMBoK™) The target audience for the credential is grants management professionals with 3 to 5 years of experience. Job analysis is a widely recognized and legally defensible strategy for establishing the content validity of a credentialing examination. The two-phase approach implemented in the study involved the creation by subject-matter experts (SMEs) of a description of practice for grants management professionals with 3 to 5 years of experience, followed by the conduct of a large-scale survey of practitioners to validate the work of the SMEs.
Grants Management Body of Knowledge (GMBoK™) Preliminary Data Collection Activities – February 2008 The telephone interviews were conducted using a formal protocol designed by Professional Examination Service (PES) Job Analysis Workshop –March 2008 develop an exhaustive description of the knowledge bases required to perform the work of a grants manager. Job Analysis Review and Revision Meeting –July 2008 Following up on GAO concerns, made “Award Activities” a stand-alone domain and shifted several tasks into the new domain. The group also added several knowledge statements. Conduct of Validation Survey
Grants Management Body of Knowledge (GMBoK™) Topic Area % of Exam General Knowledge 25.1% Knowledge Specific to Pre-Award Activities 18.4% Knowledge Specific to Award Activities 19.8% Knowledge Specific to Post-Award Activities 25.3% Knowledge Specific to Close-out Activities 11.3% Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
Provisional Grandfathered Credential offered for a limited time to provide experienced grants management practioners with the opportunity to obtain professional certification based on relevant work experience, formal education and previous qualifications, without sitting for the examination. Eligibility Criteria The CGMS Grandfathered Provisional Certification Program is restricted to professionals who can demonstrate qualifying experience in the field of grants management. Candidates petitioning for certification qualify by meeting a minimum of 75 application points (using the Revised Application Points Schedule) composed of qualifying point sources. HOWEVER, candidates petitioning MUST demonstrate through their resume a minimum of three years of qualifying grants management experience (equivalent to a minimum of 30 points).Revised Application Points Schedule
Application Eligibility Schedule Grants Management Experience* 10 points per year (minimum 30 points, maximum 50) NGMA Membership 1 point per year of membership (maximum 10 points) NGMA Leadership 1 point per year of Board of Directors Service (maximum 5 points) NGMA Service 1 point per year of committee service (maximum 5 points) Grants Management Certificate from an Accredited Organization* Management Concepts Inc. certificate OR Grants management certificate from another accredited organization (maximum 10 points) Highest Level of Education* (max 15 points): Master's degree Bachelor's degree Associate's degree Professional Eminence Demonstrated Between 2005 and 2010* (maximum 5 points) : Author/Co-Author of article in peer reviewed journal Grants Trainer Conference/Symposium Speaker
Deadline: Filing an Application Package The deadline to submit a completed application package (ALL required documentation and application fee) is Friday, December 31, 2010, close of business (Eastern). The deadline may close earlier if Training Program spaces are filled prior to that date.
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