Génie logiciel Software Engineering Summary C. Petitpierre
Development methodologies UML:scenarios and diagrams RUP:project organization based on UML CMMI:project organization, 5 levels 1.not organized 2.project level management, tools for planning, quality assurance, configuration 3.company level management, training, risk analysis 4.performance analysis, norms, statistics 5.proactive fault avoidance, continuous adaptation and improvement XProgramming: implementation centered –continuous coordination with the customer, working slices of project, pair programming, TDD
Design Patterns: Basic concepts Inheritance extends, implements Composition class CompositionClass { SuperClass element; } Forwarding public String getName() { return element.getName(); } Delegation public String getName() { return element.getName(this); }
GoF design patterns Singleton (global object, Threadlocal) Composite(tree with the same interface for the nodes and the leaves) Decorator( new X(new Y(newZ())) ) Flyweight(objects referenced from a position collection and an identity collection) Observer(used to build listeners that listen or observe subjects) Proxy(Remote proxy, Virtual proxy, Protection proxy, Handle) Iterator(used to walk through a list) Prototype(creation of objects by cloning, in Java may use Cloneable) Façade(access to many operations through the same object)
GoF design patterns Command (operation and operands defined in an object) Chain of responsibility (operations defined in a list or list of commands) Memento (used to save a state)
GoF design patterns Factories 1.Abstract Factory: creation of objects according to some properties defining the factory to instantiate 2.Factory Method: creation of different objects defined by the user’s requests or by some property determined at the creation (parameter in the call, “.gif” versus “.jpg”) Usually use Java Reflection ( Class.forName(), Method meth, meth.invoke() )
GoF design patterns Mediator(central object that relays the calls between the colleagues) Adapter(interface and delegation) Template(classical use of an abstract class to cover different implementation Strategy(similar to the template, but with a delegation) Builder (same diagram as strategy (?) ) Bridge(developer’s and implementation hierarchies, the first one calls the second one by delegation)
GoF design patterns State (used to create FSMs, in protocols, user interfaces, language handling) Interpreter (list or tree of operations that computes an expression when walked through) Visitor (object that can be executed within the nodes of an AST -abstract syntax tree- to perform a compilation operation)
JavaCC Tokens (skip, token, special_token, more) –token.next, token.specialToken Productions –recursive methods, lookahead, getNextToken(), getToken(index) - in the main file Tree (one node per production) –SimpleNode –beginToken, endToken –dump –jjtAccept, childrenAccept –visitor