Science Starters Week 13 ILO 4 Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication.
What happens when you wring out a washcloth in space? Turn to your neighbor and discuss what you predict will happen. Then watch the video. happens-when-you-wring-out-a- washcloth-in-sp Was your prediction correct? Why or why not?
Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication. For each statement, decide whether you Agree or Disagree. 1.The Sun has a consistent surface 2. The Sun does not move. Then watch the video. tch?v=piuKlpJmjfg Discuss with your partner what you discovered.
Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication. Which one is the Odd One? Asteroid Meteor Comet Meteorite Discuss with your partner why is it the Odd One? After seeing the info graphic does your choice change?
Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication. This graphic depicts what might the world look like in the future. (over 250 million years from now) Using what you know about geology and plate tectonics, explain why this could be true.
Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication. The image above shows the Louisiana coastline in 1932 on the left and 2011 on the right. Explain what you think has happened within the 80 years and why.