Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Friday, November 20, 2015 DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen. Upload self-portrait to Dropbox if not already
What is the CLONE STAMP? The Clone Stamp tool is a retouching tool that lets you copy and paste pixels from one area of an image to another area. Retouching is the process of altering a photo or an image, usually to remove imperfections, such as spots stains, and other flaws.
What is the CLONE STAMP? You can then use the pixels that you’ve sampled (copied) either once or repeatedly to patch over flaws in an image or to remove larger unwanted elements. Shortcut: S Clone Stamp Tool
What is the CLONE STAMP? You can then use the pixels that you’ve sampled (copied) either once or repeatedly to patch over flaws in an image or to remove larger unwanted elements. Shortcut: S Clone Stamp Tool
How do I use the clone stamp? After selecting the clone stamp tool, press and hold the ALT key. Click the part of the image that contains the pixels you’d like to clone. The area on which you click is called the clone source. 1. OPTION CLICK 2. PAINT
Background is CLONED to “erase” the image.
What is the PATCH tool? Allows you to replace the pixels in a problematic area of an image with pixels from another, “clean” part of the same image. Similar to clone stamp, but uses an area, not just strokes. Shortcut: J or Shift + J.
What is the PATCH tool? Similar to clone stamp, but uses an area, not just strokes. Shortcut: J or Shift + J Patch Tool
How do I use the PATCH tool? 1. Select the targeted area that you want to fix. 2. Click and drag the selected target area to an area that you want to duplicate. 3. Finalize the duplicate selection.
How do I use the PATCH tool? Selecting parts of an image with the Patch tool works just like it does with the Lasso. Simply circle the target area while keeping the mouse button pressed down. Release the mouse button once you’ve circled the entire target area to finalize the selection. Drag to the target area and deselect.
What are the patch tool options? SPECIFY A HEALING METHOD: 1. Proximity Match: samples pixels from around edge of the selection. 2. Create Texture: samples the pixels from inside the selection. 3. Content Aware: removes and repairs pixels based on the content of the image. Use this method first.
How can I better control my retouching? Use the ZOOM tool to magnify the area you are working on. Shortcut: Z or CTRL + SPACE Marquee around the area to fit enlarged view in window. Zoom out: ZOOM TOOL + OPTION CTRL + OPTION + SPACE CTRL 0 to FIT WINDOW
EXERCISE: Open the 3 files in CLONE IMAGES. Save as: yourname_skater.psd Follow the instructions on the DIRECTIONS layer. Hide the layer when done. Upload all 3 when complete. Due: tomorrow.
Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Friday, November 20, 2015 DO NOW: Open the 3 files in CLONE IMAGES. Save as: yourname_skater, rock, and snowboard.psd Follow the instructions on the DIRECTIONS layer. Hide the layer when done. Upload all 3 when complete. Due: today in Dropbox.