“Shot Heard ‘Round the World” THE MOTHER OF ALL REVOLUTIONS!
Second Continental Congress, May 1775 All 13 Colonies George as head of Continental Army Declaration of the Causes & Necessity of Taking up Arms Olive Branch Petition King declares colonies in “Rebellion” Early Battles Ticonderoga and Crown Point, May 1775 Bunker Hill, June 1775 Hessians hired by the King Invasion of Canada, October 1775
Declaration of Independence No desire for independence Hessians Burning of Falmouth and Norfolk Promise to free the slaves Common Sense, Thomas Paine 1776 Colonial policies inconsistent Tiny control the large? Moral crusade for true democracy Richard Henry Lee’s Proposal Huge debate…unanimous vote required! Committee on Independence Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Sherman, Livingston
3 Major Parts of Declaration Preamble Enlightenment reasoning (Locke) “All men created equal” Grievances Taxation, trial by jury, military dictatorship, standing army in peacetime, cutting off trade, burning towns, mercenaries, Indian violence… Formal Declaration Broke ties with England Could solicit foreign aid
Patriots vs. Loyalists: Intercolonial Players Tories 20%, Chesapeake and Mid Atlantic Fear of “mob rule” Older generation Patriots “Whigs” Center in New England Robert Morris, financier of the Revolution Minority movement
Highlights of War, English strategy New England to Middle Colonies Battle of Long Island (25,000 vs. 5,000) Battle of Trenton (Delaware River and the Hessians) Battle of Princeton (British Regiment) Battle of Saratoga – FRENCH AID!!!! Valley Forge and Baron Von Steuben ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION* Chesapeake (Sea and Frontier fighting: “Monster Brandt” and George Clark in the Ohio Valley) Ports of Charleston and Savannah taken by the British Nathanael Greene in Georgia and South Carolina Battle of Yorktown ends in British surrender!!!
THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, 1776 STRENGHS of the new government? WEAKNESSES of the new government?