While we’re waiting to begin, we invite you to post the question you identified in your pre-work in the chat box below: What is one thing you want to be sure to walk away with to ensure that your time was well spent?
Defying the Training Odds
Welcome The Science of Training and Why it Matters Training as a System That Produces Transfer of Learning Webinar Post Task Welcome The Science of Training and Why it Matters Training as a System That Produces Transfer of Learning Webinar Post Task Snapshot of Our Time Together
Listen to some key points from what the research is telling us about training. Highlight things that are important to you and your situation. Word on the Street Among Researchers
Take a few minutes to reflect on how training is perceived in your organization. Jot down notes in your packet. Word on the Street in Your Organization
Take a few minutes to compare what researchers and people in your situation are saying about training. When you’re ready, share in the chat boxes provided or raise your hand to share via phone. Similarities & Differences
Listen as we consider points about training as a system that produces transfer of learning. Note those points that seem relevant to your situation. Characteristics of Seeing Training as a System
Take 5 minutes to read the second row of the chart with this question in mind: From where you sit, which of these practices are robust and well developed in your organization’s training system? Select two practices you want to celebrate. What We’re Already Doing Well
Take a few minutes to review your notes and reflect on your experience. Where would you place your organization on the continuum? A Continuum of Training
Take 3 minutes to look back at the chart at the practices you didn’t highlight. Select two your organization can begin doing in your next training and note these in your packet. Identifying Your Growing Edge
Foundations of Dialogue Education Anchorage, Alaska September 22-25, 2014