“[Let’s] admit that we were all of English descent, what does it amount to? Nothing. The first king of England…was a Frenchman, and half the peers of England are descendants from the same country; [so] by the same method of reasoning, England ought to be governed by France“ In what book might this argument have been written? Who do you think wrote this? What was he trying to say?
Declaring Independence
The meeting to declare independence Page 77 Treason Page 78 What does the declaration say? Page 79
_____________introduced the idea of claiming independence from England in his book, ___________. Only Six Months Later! Congress decided to appoint a ___________ of five men to draft a Declaration of Independence. committee Thomas Paine Common Sense Do we want Independence?
Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Adams
In order to get out of writing the declaration, John Adams said, “_____________________________, _____________________.” Plus, he wanted someone from the ______ to write it because they needed support from those states. I am obnoxious, suspected and unpopular. You are much the otherwise south
________ was chosen to write the Declaration because he was an excellent writer and from _________. Jefferson Virginia
The Declaration of Independence is a _______ to the nations of the world explaining all the ________ why we do not want to be part of ________ anymore. It includes a list of __________or complaints against the King. letter reasons England grievances Dear George III
The letter would be read by _____ all over the world so Jefferson had to be very ________ about what he said. kings careful
He was trying to _______ to kings why we were getting ____ of our king without _________ them and making them ________ at us. explain rid upsetting mad
Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferso n John Adams
By declaring the colonies to be free congress was committing ____________ ___________ is when someone attempts to ___________ their own ___________ or to kill or personally injure the ________ or the leader's family treason overthrow treason government leader
Franklin knew this and said, “we must all ______________, or most assuredly, we will all hang _________.” If the war was ____, all 48 members of congress would be _________. lost hanged hang together separately
Signers When signing, legend has it that, _____________, was so _____ of his treasonous act, he wrote his name very ______ on the Declaration so the ______ wouldn’t have to use his ________ to read his name. John Hancock large King glasses proud
The colonies now considered themselves as the _____________ ____________ and ______________ from Britain. On __________ Congress signed the Declaration of Independence July 4,1776 United States independent of America Happy Birthday!
What does the Declaration say?
The Declaration of the United States of America When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Huh??? What Jefferson was saying was: Sometimes it’s ______________ for a group to ________ the connection they have to another _______. They need to take ________ of their own lives. (The laws of nature and of give them the to do this,) but they have to ____ everyone what they are doing and ____. necessary break group control Godright tell why
The Declaration We hold these truths to be __________ (obvious) that all men are created ______ and are endowed (_______) by their creator, certain _____________ rights, and among these are ______, __________, and the pursuit of ________________. “to secure these rights [our __________ rights] governments are instituted [__________] among men, deriving [_________] their just powers from the ______________________ [the people]. Self evident unalienable created getting consent of the governed unalienable equal given life liberty happiness
Inalienable rights Inalienable rights: rights that _________ be taken away by a __________. We have these rights because we are ________________ and we get them when we are _______. Can not government Human beings born
Vocabulary ___________: given ____________/inalienable: unable to be taken away __________: taking away power unfairly ______________: rule by a tyrant with absolute power __________: true and honest ____________: correcting a wrong endowed unalienable usurpations Despotism candid redress (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness)
Homework Reading Study Guide pages Reading Study Guide pages It is due on the 11/08, next Monday. These two pages will count as TWO grade. There are a total of 10 questions.