Aim: How did the French Revolution affect France? Do Now: The image of the guillotine is synonymous with the French Revolution. Who do you think went to the guillotine and why. Homework: Handout “Who Benefited during the Early Stages of the French Revolution?” Mr. McEntarfer * Global III * HSLPS
Instructional Objectives Describe the effects of the French Revolution Discuss who benefited and who did not from the changes taking place in France.
Background When the Bastille fell on July 14 th 1789, the Old Regime (the old way of life) in France fell also. The Third Estate took power. They made many changes in France.
Economic Changes Everybody had to pay taxes Land was taken from the Catholic Church and sold to the peasants.
Political Changes France ended it’s monarchy and became a republic. The Declaration of the Rights of Man grants equal rights to all citizens. The Reign of Terror stated. During this time thousands of people including the king and queen were executed in the guillotine if it was believed they opposed the revolution.
Declaration of the Rights of Man Written in 1789 Uses American Declaration of Independence as a model States that all men have natural Rights Declares the job of government to protect the natural rights of people Guarantees all male citizens equality under the law Sates that people are free to practice any religion Promises to tax people according to how much they can afford
An artist who watched the execution of Marie Antoinette sketched the photo on the right just before she was beheaded. What do you think she was thinking?
Social Changes The new government stopped putting people in jail if they owed $ (debtors prison) Public schools started for all children African slavery in the French colonies ended.
Religious Changes The government took control of the Catholic Church. All people were given freedom of Religion The people no longer had to pay taxes to the Catholic Church.
Activity Listed below are five groups of people that lived during the French Revolution. For each group explain how they felt about the changes that took place during the French Revolution. Middle class Bishops in the Catholic Church Nobles Peasants Kings in other countries
Exit Slip Answer Aim Question using one of the examples learned today in class How did the French Revolution affect France? Quiz Tomorrow on what you learned today.