STAR Agreement on Spin Configuration Plan Bill Christie RHIC Coordination Meeting January 24, 2006 Plan: A.) If the FPD++ installation, debugging, and commissioning has progressed sufficiently that we (STAR) believe we'll be able to start taking Physics data with the device soon after the declaration of the start of the Physics run, then: - STAR would start the physics running with transverse (vertical) polarization. Once we've met our integrated luminosity goal, we would request the change to longitudinal polarization, and would remain with long. pol. for the remainder of the 200 GeV run. B.) If we don't feel the FPD++ has progressed sufficiently prior to the start of the physics run, then: - STAR will start the run with longitudinal polarization, and together with PHENIX, we'll change the polarization directions after 4 wks of the Physics run has passed. At this 4 wk junction, PHENIX would change from Radial to longitudinal polarization, which thay would maintain until the end of the 200 GeV running. STAR would change from longitudinal to vertical polarization, and would remain vertical until we'd met our transverse polarization running goal, and would then change back to longitudinal polarization for the remainder of the 200 GeV run. A question this raises is “When in the Collider Commissioning does C-AD have to know which polarization state STAR wants to start with?” Week of Feb. 20th?
STAR Collider Configurations under Agreement Option A.) Starting Configuration: STAR Transverse, PHENIX Radial First reconfiguration during run 4 wks): STAR Transverse, PHENIX Longitudinal Second reconfiguration during run (STAR meets Trans. Goal (5 pb -1 sampled) : STAR Longitudinal, PHENIX Longitudinal Option B.) Starting Configuration: STAR Longitudinal, PHENIX Radial First reconfiguration during run 4 wks): STAR Transverse, PHENIX Longitudinal Second reconfig. during run (STAR meets Trans. Goal (5 pb -1 sampled): STAR Longitudinal, PHENIX Longitudinal
STAR RHIC pp performance: Luminosity Fischer/Roser projections 11 weeks of physics running: l STAR delivered luminosity: 45pb -1 l STAR recorded luminosity: 15pb -1 Allowing for 5pb -1 of transverse and 10pb -1 of longitudinal mode running