UNIT 5: AMERICAN REVOLUTION Essential Questions: What makes something Revolutionary? Why don’t the strongest always win? What is a turning point? What makes a leader great? When is it time to quit? How can fear create change?
TREATY OF PARIS 1763 ends the FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ENGLAND WINS: Victory was expensive ENGLAND angry at the American colonists: WHY? 1. Colonists did not help win the war 2. Colonists were becoming too INDEPENDENT
TAXES! ENGLAND takes action! England demands the colonies pay for the French and Indian War HOW? TAXES! IMPORTANT: Americans love being British, they just don’t want to pay taxes directly to PARLIAMENT
Starting tomorrow you will have to pay $1 per day to use your locker. LOCKER TAX Starting tomorrow you will have to pay $1 per day to use your locker. Is this fair? Why is this a bad tax? How would you fight this tax?
THE STAMP ACT All paper products would be taxed and receive a “stamp” ENGLAND PUTS A DIRECT TAX ON THE COLONISTS: THE STAMP ACT All paper products would be taxed and receive a “stamp”
HOW CAN THE COLONISTS FIGHT ENGLAND? 1. “SONS OF LIBERTY”= Colonial radicals who are not afraid to use violence and intimidation PROTESTS: Marches and rallies to unite the colonists BOYCOTTS = NON-IMPORTATION
3. BOYCOTTS OR NON-IMPORTATION MOST EFFECTIVE 13 COLONIES are England’s BIGGEST MARKET for finished goods If they refuse to buy British goods they put ECONOMIC PRESSURE ON ENGLAND
A dummy dressed like the Stamp Collector is attacked Colonial protest: A dummy dressed like the Stamp Collector is attacked
Colonial protests work: THE STAMP ACT IS REPEALED!!! What lesson did the colonists learn about violence and protests???
SELF-TEST Why did ENGLAND raise taxes on the colonies? How could you argue that this was a dumb move? Who were the Sons of Liberty? Why is a boycott a great tool for the colonists to use against their mother country? Why was the repeal of the Stamp Act a bad move for England?
ENGLAND does not like losing to their colonists so they pass: THE DECLARATORY ACT Declaring they can tax the colonies if they choose. Why is this Act meaningless?
BOSTON MASSACRE? UNRULY mob throws snowballs and garbage at British soldiers in Boston Mob moves toward soldiers Soldiers fire their weapons killing several people Crispus Attucks: Free Black man killed WAS IT A MASSACRE????????????
MOST OF THE SOLDIERS FOUND NOT GUILTY PROPAGANDA The “Boston Massacre” is an example of PROPAGANDA: A message intended to persuade the audience Colonists call it a MASSACRE to get popular support. The mob did threaten the soldiers MOST OF THE SOLDIERS FOUND NOT GUILTY One was defended by John Adams!
BOSTON TEA PARTY England sends CHEAP TEA to the colonies………. But it still has a small TAX SONS OF LIBERTY Dress like Indians and dump the tea into the harbor!
1st Continental Congress COLONISTS meet in PHILADELPHIA and promise to support BOSTON: NO TALK OF REBELLION SWEAR LOYALTY TO THE KING!
THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD LEXINGTON and CONCORD The Brits send soldiers to the countryside around Boston to round up the weapons of MINUTEMEN MILITIA (Citizen soldiers) Paul Revere rides to the countryside to warn everyone, “The Redcoats are coming!”
The Redcoats get to Lexington Someone fires and a battle begins! Rebels run British march to Concord and then head back to Boston On the road back to Boston the colonist use GUERRILLA TACTICS (HIT AND RUN) and smash the British
NO TURNING BACK! WAR WAR The shots fired at Lexington and Concord The slaughter of British troops on the march back to Boston are the breaking points. WORDS WILL NOT SETTLE THESE DIFFERENCES NOW IT IS WAR
1. Fighting for a cause they believe in 2. Possible help from France BRITISH ADVANTAGE AMERICAN ADVANTAGES 1. World’s Best NAVY 2. Professional ARMY 3. Rich! 4. Hired soldiers from Germany HESSIANS 1. Fighting for a cause they believe in 2. Possible help from France 3. Didn’t have to beat the Brits; just not lose to them BRITISH DISADVANTAGES 1. 3,000 miles away from America 2. Fighting a GUERRILLA WAR 3. War not popular in England AMERICAN DISADVANTAGES 1. No Navy 2. No professional army 3. POOR 4. Mixed support for the war (1/3 LOYALISTS)
LOYALISTS / TORIES: Colonists that stayed loyal to England PATRIOTS: Colonists that rebelled against England
Colonists run away when they run out of bullets Battle of Bunker Hill: British foolishly charge up a hill to attack a Rebel position. Colonists run away when they run out of bullets British “win” the battle but suffer 1,000 casualties
LESSONS FROM BUNKER HILL BOSTON 1775 British learn that the war will NOT BE EASY British learn that old style tactics will not work against in a guerrilla war
2nd Continental Congress 2CC meets (all 13 colonies attend) Meet to deal with the results of LEXINGTON AND CONCORD GEORGE WASHINGTON chosen commander of Colonial forces
Why Washington???? SOUTHERNER: Shows this is not just a “Massachusetts” conflict Military Experience?: French and Indian War His GREATEST QUALITY: PERSISTENCE: Washington never quits. He is not a great field general as much as he is a great leader
British Strategy to win the war: Divide and Conquer England wanted to split the colonies Along the HUDSON RIVER Connect MONTREAL AND NYC THE GOAL: Separate NEW ENGLAND from the SOUTH Step 1: Capture New York City JULY 1776 Brits crush Washington and take the City
The Declaration of Independence Colonies officially declare their INDEPENDENCE FROM ENGLAND JULY 4, 1776 Southerners make sure that slavery is not discussed in the Declaration
October 1776 British leave MONTREAL hoping to make it to NYC Battle of Valcour: Benedict Arnold builds a small fleet of ships and fights the Brits. Brits decide to return to MONTREAL and wait until 1777 to try again.
Washington Crossing the Delaware Dec. 1776 Washington attacks 1,000 Hessians at TRENTON in a surprise attack on Christmas Eve. One of Washington’s few victories of the war. Huge morale booster Washington Crossing the Delaware
1777 America adopts a FLAG Valley Forge: Washington spends a tough winter in Pennsylvania British capture Philadelphia: Congress runs away
1777 Saratoga: TURNING POINT OF THE WAR British general Burgoyne gets trapped deep in New York. He loses his entire army (over 5,000 men!) to the colonists Huge American victory convinces the French to support the colonists
Phase II: NY & PA [1777-1778]
1778 France forms an alliance with America Why? Saratoga proved that the American army was for real They hate England Anything that hurts England is good for France What does America get? Money Ships and Soldiers
Phase III: The Southern Strategy [1780-1781] LATER WAR The British shift the war to the South. The campaign is not effective British Army ends up in Yorktown Virginia Phase III: The Southern Strategy [1780-1781]
British General Cornwallis Puts his troops on the Yorktown Peninsula, Virginia. He assumes this will be safe because The British Navy can pick them up. The French let the US borrow their fleet And finally put their soldiers into battle. The French blockade the Chesapeake And a combined French and American ARMY surround Yorktown. General Cornwallis is forced to surrender to GEORGE WASHINGTON.
The Battle of Yorktown (1781) Count de Rochambeau Admiral De Grasse