10-20 Things about me By Zachary Huff 9/9/14
#2 My name is Zachary Huff I am in 11 th grade and I will be 16 on the 16 th of this month! I go scouting with my boy scout troop 244 and I am soon to be an eagle scout when I do my project.
#3 I have 2 siblings both are older than me my sister Meghan and my brother David, My sister is 21 in college and my brother is 26 about to finish with med school and get married next year.
#4 I like to play Ultimate Frisbee, for those who don’t know it’s a mix between Football and Frisbee without moving only passing forward.
#5 I am also making an Ultimate Frisbee club at Grimsley this year interest meeting is Thursday September 18 th in room 866 Vocational
#6 I do a variety of things depending on how much time I have I can play basketball outside, play Ultimate Frisbee on Tuesday’s Fridays I go and hang out with my friends.
#7 I go to church and Scouts on Sunday’s then I have youth group.
#8 I have lived in Greensboro all of my life and I also was born here, My mom came from Illinois and my dad came from New York then he moved to Georgia then to Eden.
#9 I love to read books, My favorite book series of all time is Pendragon series, it is an amazing series 10 books in all.
#10 I like to read outside in my hammock.
#11 I like to hang out with my friends on the weekends.
#12 I love cooking mostly to eat the food because I am hungry a lot.
#13 First I have Mrs. Saunders for Honors English III 2 nd I have Mrs. Mills for Honors Biology I 3 rd I have Mr. Flynt for Honors Scientific Visualization II Or H. Scivis II for short. 4 th I have Advance Function Models with Mrs. Whiting 5 th I have Mr. Willie for APUSH Finally I have French II with Madame JJK
#14 My favorite basketball team is the Tarheels My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers.
#16 I want to go see Paris and Venice.