Network Team Institute Training on Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Resources for Student Learning Objectives NTI Wednesday, March 14, 2012
2 Regents Reform Agenda Focusing on Teaching and Learning FOR ALL!!! College and Career Ready Students Highly Effective School Leaders Highly Effective Teachers Implementing Common Core standards and developing curriculum and assessments aligned to these standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace Building instructional data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practice in real time Recruiting, developing, retaining, and rewarding effective teachers and principals Turning around the lowest-achieving schools
3 The Need for Guidance SLO’s on EngageNY
4 What are the Comparable Growth Measures Used as the Basis for SLO’s?
5 The Need for Rigor and Comparability Verified To the Extent Practicable
6 The Role of the Regents Exam In the Establishment of an SLO
7 What Does My District need to Know… District Roadmap on EngageNY
8 Who Gets An SLO? Required SLO’s Reference Guide on EngageNY
9 Which Assessment do I choose For my youngest learners?
10 So many choices Why Won’t SED Limit Our Choices? 700 different Contexts Tight-Loose Management Philosophy Task Force Recommendations A Negotiated Settlement
Changing Teacher and Leader Practice Compliance without quality assurance cannot bring about change…..