NOAA 101 Sarah Schoedinger NOAA, Office of Education November 2, 2006 An overview of the agency for the NOAA/NSTA Symposium on the Ocean’s Role in Weather and Climate
2 NOAA Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions.
3 NOAA Mission To understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social, and environmental needs.
4 NOAA’s Goals Ecosystems Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal & Ocean Resources Through an Ecosystem Approach to Management. Climate Understand Climate Variability & Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan & Respond. Weather & Water Serve Society’s Needs for Weather & Water Information. Commerce & Transportation Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, & Environmentally Sound Transportation.
5 NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data & Information Service National Ocean Service National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations National Weather Service Oceanic & Atmospheric Research Program Planning & Integration Headquarters
6 NOAA Satellites & Information Service Major Programs… Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Environmental Satellite Observing Services Environmental Data Management
7 NOAA Oceans & Coasts Major Programs… Coastal Resource Management and Protected Areas Mapping, Charting, and Navigation Coastal Ocean Science Response and Restoration
8 NOAA Marine & Aviation Operations Major Programs Operational Management of: 16 NOAA Ships 13 NOAA Aircraft NOAA Diving Program Support with 250 Commissioned Officers NOAA’s primary source of expertise for ship and aircraft charters, particularly the safety aspects
9 National Weather Service Major Programs… Climate Forecasting/Services Ocean/Marine Forecasting/Services Observations (Satellite, Ocean) Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service Air Quality Forecasting Environmental Modeling Science and Technology Infusion Tropical Weather Homeland Security (All-Hazards Weather Radio, Dispersion Modeling)
10 NOAA Fisheries Major Programs… Fisheries Management Magnuson-Stevens Act Protected Resources Endangered Species Act Marine Mammal Protection Act Habitat Conservation Protection Restoration
11 NOAA Research Major Programs… Climate Products Weather & Air Quality Products Ocean, Coastal, Great Lakes Products
12 NOAA’s Goals - Education Focus Ecosystems A well informed public that acts as a steward of coastal and marine ecosystems. Climate Climate-sensitive sectors and the climate-literate public effectively incorporating NOAA’s climate products into their plans and decisions. Weather & Water Enhance environmental literacy and improve understanding, value, and use of weather and water information and services. Commerce & Transportation Build public understanding of the science & technology involved and the role of the environment in commerce and transportation through outreach, education, and industry collaboration.