How to review your work and select the right journal or conference? Critically Carefully Collaboratively
Medical Science is on the cusp of a new day …and it’s your time
“It’s called a ‘test tube.’” American Scientist, Volume 97
Why? Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve? How will this influence my career? What can I do to ensure the success and value of my research?
Success depends on you Technical expertise Practice knowledge Innovation & creativity Enthusiasm Common sense Good judgment Hard work Relationships & team work Critical Thinking Leadership …in every aspect of what we do
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll
I want answers but what are the questions? Risk Assessment Screening Differential Diagnosis Prognosis & Staging Treatment Selection Treatment Monitoring Surveillance Am I at risk of developing cancer? Is there a chance I have cancer today? Do I have cancer today and what type is it? Has my cancer spread and how aggressive is it? What are the most effective & safe therapies for me? Is my therapy working with acceptable toxicity? Has my cancer come back?
It’s time to knock down the walls
An Epiphany
“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” Oscar Wilde
Where to publish? Key considerations Research area- Specialist V general Research topic-hot or warm? Novel data or incremental creep National V International Impact and status of the journal
We’ve considered every potential risk, except the risk of avoiding all risks.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ~ Winston Churchill
Where to present your results? Key considerations Research area Career development and networking Follow the team National V International Impact and status of the conference Geography and climate
Innovation and invention are racing forward Circulating Tumor Cells Use of Imaging Tools
Journey to a place where no man has gone before The accumulation, management and use of patient information, clinical observations, diagnostic test results and reference material to make diagnostic decisions, prognostic judgments and therapeutic recommendations Centralized Diagnostic Intelligence
The importance of change! “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin English Biologist ( )
How to review your work and select the right journal or conference?