0 Six Sigma – Human Resources
1 Assignment Duration Ultimate objective is to make Six Sigma “The way we do our business” Need to make Six Sigma methodology widely used After “Two Years” Black Belts return to their business
2 Who is my Supervisor? Project Champion will supervise and coach Black Belts Regular weekly reviews of project status Assist in obtaining necessary business resources Work together with site mentor to manage Black Belts’ career Set Black Belts’ goals and objectives (can include non-Six Sigma issues)
3 How does my career continue in my business unit? Assigned a mentor (senior leader) in your business unit Mentor is responsible for: -Updating you on important business issues -Managing your future career and assisting you to obtain your next assignment (Targeted Development) -Jointly approving (with Project Champion) any career ladder promotions whilst being a Black Belt
4 How do I achieve Black Belt Certification? Complete minimum of two projects and at least $500,000 savings Normally months Demonstrate technical skills and leadership behaviours necessary for a Black Belt Project Champion (Leadership) and Master Black Belt (Technical) determine when to certify. Feedback from other Black Belts and business project team members is considered as well.
Certification Requires Personal Development Demonstrate technical competency As measured by knowledge & proficiency evaluations Demonstrate an ability to implement change as measured by: Business results Leadership assessment evaluations Completion (2) projects Technical CompetenciesAbility to Implement Change * Broad understanding of six-sigma concepts* Project alignment to business * Determine KPIV’s* Apply leverage * Understand measurement systems* Draw and focus resources * Analyze and Improve* Build and spread knowledge * Control Charting Technical Competence* Achieve results Ability to Implement Change 6 knowledge LOW Certified You must: Your progress HIGH HIGH
Project Review Knowledge Proficiency Forms Filled out by: Your class Master Black Belt Used as a tool to identify strengths and weaknesses Forms are reviewed by you and your MBB before electing to go for certification Target requirements are: All 12 steps must completed per project, includes required tools Quality of tool application Number of Tools used
Leadership (Project Management) Assessment Form Filled out by the Project Champions ( with input from business) Assesses the extent to which you are influencing the organization and Project management skill set - Team selection and leadership - Project planning - Dealing with project barriers - Project financial assessments - Project documentation - Computer skills - Presentation skills - Change management skills –Transferring the knowledge to the process users –Competitive Spirit –High Energy Level –Agent for Change –Business knowledge –Communication skills –Execution (Business results) Additional attributes
8 Black Belt Certification Criteria Please refer to handouts
9 What training will I receive? XXXXX‘Define/Measure’ training XXXXPerform ‘measure’ part of your project XXXX‘Analyse’ training XXXXPerform ‘analyse’ part of your project XXXX‘Improve’ training XXXPerform ‘improve’ part of your project XXX‘Control’ training XXXComplete first project Also, get a visit from the Master Black Belt between each week of training
10 Compensation? Black Belts and Project Champions retain local business results as their main focus is on improving their local business performance Management reviewing whether to have additional remuneration schemes specific to Six Sigma