The After School Special
Explanation With this project, you will be looking at your life in the future. You will estimate your monthly income, and how it could be spent.
Explanation You will answer the following questions: –What do I want to be? –Where do I want to live? –How much money will I make? –How much money will I REALLY make? –What will I do with this money?
Explanation This project will be presented in a PowerPoint, and MUST be in the proper order. THE PowerPoint and worksheets must be saved in an e-folder. For all parts, I suggest doing a rough copy in pencil before adding it to the presentation…your answers WILL change.
Section #1 – The job Your first order of business is to find a job, and research the following important aspects…
Section #1 – The job Job title, description and responsibilities Hours worked per week Education and experience needed Gross Monthly Income Transferable skills Amount of holidays per year. Why this is the perfect job for you! COPY
Section #1 – The job While researching these aspect of your career, you may want to try these sites: Matches your personality to your possible career. This one will help choose a possible career. This one will indicate what your salary might be. This one will outline job descriptions and responsibilities. Videos for your potential career
Section #1 – The job Feel free to aim high…you are all smart enough to do well, but be realistic. If you were headed to the NHL, you’d already be on your way. Unless you are told specifically, there is an $8000/month ceiling on your earnings.
Section #1 – The job PLEASE create an e-folder entitled After School Special. You will use this to store researched info and e-work sheets. Please record all of this information into the first section of your presentation, under the title “My Career”.
168 Hours in a week…so much to do!
Section #2 – 168 hours! In this section, you will estimate how much time you might spend on extracurricular activities each week.
Section #2 – 168 hours! Examine the file “So Much to Do…”. It is located in the Management folder. Choose any activity that you feel you might take part in, and estimate the number of hours you will spend at it each week.
Section #2 – 168 hours! List your answers on the WORKSHEET So much to do…, and calculate the total number of hours. Save your work with your name attached and keep it in your e-folder.
Section #2 – 168 hours! EXAMPLE Workouts / Basketball:8 hours Entertainment (TV): 4 hours Family and Friends:8 hours Music:3 hours _______________________________ 23 hours total.