iPad Storyboard
Need As the life of the average American has grown busier, and time has became a precious commodity, the need to find a device that can help manage, organize, connect, and make life easier while “on the run” has developed. In fact, today, one can safely say that it has become essential for each of us to have just such a device, and if you find the cell phone screen a bit small to conduct your daily business on, then an iPad may be exactly the thing you need!
Research Problem With each generation of the iPad, more and more functional apps have been added, and as a result, the iPad is now suited for use by almost all types of businesses, and educational institutions. Although the business world has embraced the iPad and found many uses for it, the educational community has not been so quick to adopt it on a wide scale. The lofty price of the iPad may be the primary reason for educational institutions lagging behind, however, the iPad does have a place in education, and in particular in Television and Video Production.
Proposal In the fast paced world of television, it is imperative that news reaches the viewer in the quickest time possible. The Apple iPad can make this to happen. With an iPad you can record video and audio, import it to iMovie, edit it, and export it so that it can be aired. Why would you need this ability in a high school? High school sports has become very competitive, recently the television & video production program has joined forces with the local cable company to provide them with high school sports highlights and commentaries. Their only requirement, the reports and game highlights be uploaded to their website within 24 hours of the game. Because the iPad has the ability to perform as a camcorder and an editor, it is the perfect piece of technology to use for this joint venture.
The Evolution of the iPad
Development Apple Inc., with CEO Steve Jobs at the helm, began developing the iPad years before its debut on January 27, Part of Apple’s research and development philosophy is to consider future innovations as it develops current ones. For example, as Apple was creating the iPod, the idea to combine it with cell phone technology came about, and this resulted in the iPhone a few years later. While developing the iPhone, the idea for a larger unit with an easier to read screen, and more capabilities than a cell phone, was being designed and would eventually be released as the iPad (Jana, 2010, Jan 27).
iPod to iPad
iPad Debut Until the debut of the iPad, the only other electronic non-phone device that has been adopted as quickly as the iPad was the DVD player. However, it took the DVD player 5 years to make the same amount of money that the iPad made in its first quarter. It is for that reason that the iPad is know as “a runaway product straight out of the box” according to Colin McGranahan, retail analyst at Bernstein Research (Melloy, 2010, Oct 4). The next slide shows the number of all generation of iPads sold per quarter beginning with the 3 rd quarter of 2010 through the last quarter of 2012.
iPad S-Curve Users (Millions) Timeline of Adoption Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Users (Per Quarter)
iPad Usage in Education
Change Agent
Key Change Agents The key change agents for my career education program are my county administrator and my school principal. My principal is an Apple product user and supports the implementation of new technology for use in the classroom. As long as he feels there is a reasonable chance that a new innovation will be successfully diffused and adopted by the majority of users, he will approve the adoption. My county administrator feels much the same way, and since I have a proven track record of successfully choosing and using new technologies in my classroom, if provided with valid reasons and expected outcomes, he will support my decision as well.
Commercialization The iPad debuted on April 3, 2010 and sold 300,000 units by the end of the first day. Apple relied on the success of its prior products and the popularity of it’s CEO Steve Jobs, who excited people around the globe when he announced the roll out date for the iPad at a January 27 th press conference in 2010 (Apple, 2010, Jan 27).
References Apple, Inc. (2010, Jan 27). Apple launches iPad. Retrieved from 27/Apple-Launches-iPad.html How well does your iPad 1:1 program work? (7 December, 2012). Retrieved from /12/07/how-well-does-your-ipad-11- program- work/# Jana, R. (2010, Jan 27). Apple iPad’s product development approach. Retrieved from /01/apple_ipads_product_developmen.html
References Melloy, J. (2010, Oct 4). iPad adoption rate fastest ever, passing DVD player. Retrieved from com/id/ /iPad_Adoption_Rate_Faster_ Ever_Passing_DVD_Player