Philip Glennie Programme Manager Smarter Choices, Smarter Places
What’s smarter about Smarter Choices, Smarter Places? Changing the mindset... Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland Scotland’s National Transport Strategy Designing Streets Cycling Action Plan for Scotland
Measuring what we Value Government objectives Measuring success Data and Indicators Wealthier people and a fairer distribution of wealth Spending on transport……. Travelling by low cost modes like walking and cycling. Expenditure derived from travel patterns and distribution of spending Encouraging smarter working More cross agency work Integrated payment mechanisms Employer travel plans New technology/ticketing Changes to make people healthier More active travel Perceptions of personal health Walking and cycling activity Perceptions of personal health….. Safer places and stronger more cohesive communities. Perceptions of the local town Strength of community Views of community Access, safety and security Greener places Lower emissions from transport Improved streetscape Access to the countryside Active travel Perceptions of the local environment
36% 18% 7% 20% 19% Car drivers - willingness to change I would like to travel by car more often
Modal Behaviour Walking dependent Mixed bus/walk Mixed bus / car passenger Multi-modal car drivers Mixed car/walk Car driver dependent Travel behaviour
InitiativeMechanism Promotion Information and skills PTP, Information/knowledge, Travel Training Marketing, campaigns and ticketing Targeted publicity and persuasion approaches, Tourist travel management, public transport ticket options, events. Financial incentives Parking, Public transport, Promotion of tax incentives Regulatory measures and managing demand Restrictions vehicles, workplace destination parking, intelligent systems Complementary measures E-substitution, influencing housing and business choices, health education publicity Provision Making sustainable choices more attractive Security, lockers, showers, back up in emergencies More sharing of vehicles Car clubs, Cycle sharing/rental, trip sharing, pool cars/vans Infrastructure and services Improved cycle routes and networks, public realm upgrading, new interchanges and services
…using funding wisely
Reported Change in mode use in 12 months to 2010 Reported changes in travel mode in 12 months to April 2010
…leading to the next steps…...a legacy? Communication & lessons learned Monitoring & evaluation Mainstreaming & sustainability
Philip Glennie Programme Manager Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Further information