M Y P ROFILE By: Dianna Immello B
H IGH S CHOOL Floyd E. Kellam 2323 Holland Road Virginia Beach, VA 23453
GPA 4.18 Ranked 8 th of Senior Class
E XTRACURRICULAR A CTIVITIES National Honors Society President Orchestra School Musicals FEA Member
P LANS A FTER G RADUATION F ROM H IGH S CHOOL After I graduate high school I look forward to attending college where I plan on receiving a major in mathematics and a minor in education. After I receive my degree, I hope to find a teaching position in an elementary school. Once fully in my career, I will settle down and have a nice family (:
F AMILY My mom My Grandma Rob (brother) Ralph (brother) Annie (sister-in-law) Genevieve (niece)
O PINION OF THE T EACHING P ROFESSION There are no words that can fully describe my opinion of the teaching profession. I LOVE the teaching profession. It is a way to interact with children, not only in a fun and fantastic way but also as a role model that children look up to. As a teacher, you get to receive the privilege of influencing your students each and everyday as well as seeing them grow as a person. Teaching is my passion and I hope to attain my dream one day!
W AYS V IRGINIA T EACHERS FOR T OMORROW HAS P REPARED ME FOR MY C AREER C HOICE Opened my eyes to the true environment of teaching Has made my decision change from high school to elementary school Showed me all the hard work teachers put in everyday to run a lesson smoothly Taught me all about the history of education, disabilities, SOLs, lesson planning, and so much more