Mine Properties. DIAMONDS Kimberlite Pipes Located in Wyoming.


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Presentation transcript:

Mine Properties


Kimberlite Pipes Located in Wyoming

Sec 32 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 32 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 33 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 33 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 34 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 34 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 29 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 29 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 28 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 28 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 27 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming Sec 27 15N 70W 6 th Principle Meridian Wyoming

The Pipes PI 8 carets per ton 60% industrial P2 6 carets per ton 45% industrial P3 2 carets Per ton (colored gem) P4 15 carets Per ton all industrial P5 barren lamproite

Geophysical Model Developed to 3500 ft depth and almost certainly extend further

Characteristics Surface is weathered depressions – Trenches only 6 ft deep – No indication how far down weathered cone extends Soil depth is 5 ft Country rock is Gneiess

Land Holdings State Have an Exploration Permit Royalty 4% Gross Revenue plus $100/acre/year Friendly Rancher Will allow surface Use for 10% net Profit Royalty Have staked claim Rancher Autistic Artisans Colony – Hostile To Mining Friendly Rancher Will lease surface For $50/acre per year

Your Tasks You have 5000 ft of drilling budgeted – Turn in what you want to drill Start your research into types and values of industrial and gem quality diamonds Start your research into – Weather – Water Supply – Population and Available Work Force – How you might process for diamonds and what those processes cost Be Prepared for a Monday or Tuesday Presentation


Your Area

Coal Project Land of interest is 5 X 7.5 miles located 25 miles north east of Marion

Belief About Coal Top Seam will be Illinois #7 at a depth of about 100 ft. – Thickness may be 5 to 6 ft – Coal may be very soft – medium sulfur – about BTU/lb but low chlorine – Roof likely black shale – Underclay likely about 1.5 ft. Next seam likely Illinois #6 at around 300 ft – Thickness could be 5 to 8ft – High Sulfur and Chlorine – about 11,000 BTU/lb – Top may be massive limestone – Minimal underclay?

More Coal Illinois #5 Low Sulfur Where Covered by Dykersburgh Shale – Minable Thickness – Likely to have significant underclay – May have limited innerburden to #6 Illinois #2 Potential Metallurgical Grade – Likely Sandstone floor

Geologic Risks There May be Dikes in the Area There May be Waterbearing Washout Stream Channels A Fault is believed to be present in the area

Your Tasks Your Company needs enough reserves for 3 million clean tons per year for 30 to 40 years – You need to determine if they can get it here Geophysical Surveys will try to spot major dikes and possibly the faults You need to locate 20 drill holes you will use to define your reserves – You may be able to negotiate drill holes to later to check fault displacements or trace stream channels

Tasks for the Week Look at the Boom and Bust prices for steam coal – What kind of premium do you get for low chlorine or low sulfur? Look for Boom and Bust Prices for Met Coal Identify local markets and how you could most economically ship coal to them Identify how you would get coal to international markets

Your Upcoming Monday or Tuesday Presentation Initial Estimates of Coal Reserves in Area Coal Prices Transportation Routes to Market and Associated Costs Likely yields on washed coal Illinois Basin Insitu Stress Fields Models and equations you might use to size coal pillars or determine stable roof spans


Your Location

You Will Be On Mining Claims in a National Forest

Target Area

Next Weeks Tasks for Presentation You will be given drill data from which you will develop a block model and draft reserves Research the Price ups and Downs of Copper, Silver, and Gold Research the weather, water, and workforce in the area Your ore is both oxide, sulfide and mixed and contains copper with traces of Gold and Silver. – How can you process that? – Building your own smelter and refinery can be very costly – are there existing smelters and refineries you could ship concentrate to How would you get it there?